Is It Illegal to Buy RX Drugs Over the Internet if You Have an Online Physcian Consultation?

Question by jessica: Is it illegal to buy RX drugs over the internet if you have an online physcian consultation?
[rewrite]I need a mild painkiller and doctors are so scared to prescribe them now because of addictions and I think, federal guidelines on how many they can prescribe and potential lawsuits. I have awful knee pain and have seen many Drs. and there isn’t anything that can be done. I would only have to take them first thing in the A.M. when it’s at it’s worst. Is there a certain company that is atleast somewhat legitimate? Can I get in trouble criminally for ordering? What kind of pill is best? AND TRUST ME, I have tried EVERY OVER THE COUNTER PILL and it doesn’t do anything. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by sid2089
Depends on your country and the local laws

Answer by wizjp
Yes it’s illegal to buy any RX drug without an RX by a phisician. And that doesnt cover the fact you are probably buying baby laxitive being sold as pain killer; what can you do if that is the case? It’s illegal in the first place.


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