Addiction!! Help!!!?
Question by Victoria Spazz: addiction!! help!!!?
okay, i dont have the normal drinking/smoking addiction. I have an eating/chewing addiction. I dont even know if there is medication to solve this, or if its really even concidered a problem. I chew (and sometimes eat) pens, pencils, bracelets, necklaces, crayons, play dough, paper, erasers plastic.. pretty much anything!!! I eat also small beads, fingernails and even my hair (which wont grow anymore, because once its grows, i chew it up). i want to stop. its nasty and its so childish. its not like im hungrey all the time, i just do it, when ever i see somthing, i just put it in my mouth. please help, anyhting!!!!
Best answer:
Answer by xxxcrushmebaby
chew gum lol
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Dr. Gabor Maté: Ayahuasca and Addiction Treatment – — Now available on DVD and as download. Dr. Gabor Maté has worked for several years in Vancouver’s downtown east side with people suffering from severe drug addictions. Based on his own experiences with ayahuasca, Dr. Maté is convinced that the Amazonian shamanic medicine, if taken in the proper context, can help people cure their addictions. Visit This clip is taken from bonus materials included in the DVD.
From Twitter:
i have an addiction. cursing. im sorry I just can’t help it. atleast I don’t do it around my mom. – by RichieLaflair ($ ept.twentyeighth.)
From Twitter:
@sgtjohnny2009 LOL maybe its time to get help for your stripper addiction hahaha – by PrincessBrandis (Princess Brandis)
From Twitter:
Shopping is my addiction period, I honestly need help lmao – by ObeirLaBeau (Sw??t ?i? Roni)