Drug Addiction Centers of Jamison | Rehab After Work | Jamison, PA (215) 792-5041

Drug Addiction Centers of Jamison | Rehab After Work | Jamison, PA (215) 792-5041 — Let our counselors help you have a new drug free life! http://rehabafterwork.com/index.html Addiction to alcohol and drugs often has serious medical, occupat…

The Register's Editorial: Demonizing the poor is not helping anyone
[rewrite]A 2011 Florida law requires anyone seeking welfare benefits there to undergo and pay for a drug test. The cost is refunded if no evidence of illegal drug use is found. Floridians were tested for a few months before a judge issued a temporary injunction …[/rewrite]
Read more on Shreveport Times

A Pill to Cure Addiction?
[rewrite]New research is identifying the molecular reasons why alcohol and drug habits are so difficult to break, which could point the way to new medicines to help addicts go cold turkey. Scientists have known for years how heavy use of alcohol and drugs works …[/rewrite]
Read more on Wall Street Journal

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