Is Arkansas the Only State That ” Pays Off” Its Single People for Having Babies Out of Wedlock?
Question by Sizzlin Sammy: Is Arkansas the only state that ” pays off” its single people for having babies out of wedlock?
In Arkansas,these people suck off the State by getting rental assistance,food stamps and claiming kids at tax time that aren’t even theirs.I am so sick of this!!!They drive nice cars and have diamonds on their fingers at the same time are selling drugs and living the Life.The people that go into “rehab” also get food stamp benefits..And I guess that’s why our streets need repair so badly.Pardon me while I vent !
Best answer:
Answer by Charlie Farlie
In the UK they are given a house all the benefits. they are now being encouraged to have more “free range kids” by getting£200 to help them eat healthy food while they are pregnant.When there are hard working mums struggling to bring up a family without state hand outs.
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You’re seeing a few highly visible cases that, frankly, don’t represent the reality of the majority of people on public assistance. The rule-benders tend to get the most attention. Try working with them sometime to get a more realistic picture.
I fear that the programs in many states encourage this behavior.
The problem with welfare programs is that once people know they are there they tend to rely on them. Even FDR spoke of the “narcotic effects” of relief programs.
I know of no reliable way for the government to give help to those “truly down on their luck” while withholding it from people who “don’t really need it.”
Before the government was in charge, communities – churches, etc. – passed around the hat to help those in need. and since the people were personally known to each other, folks felt comfortable refusing to give money to people who were not trying their best to make it on their own.
What was known as “freeloading” and prohibited back then is now, I’m afraid, a significant portion of what we call an “entitlement” today.