Need Help With Smoking Could You Please Help?

Question by ??The Truth-AllahHuakbar??: need help with smoking could you please help?
[rewrite]ok i play basketball for my college team and i just realize that i have been smoking and i dont want to smoke and 1 of my teammates found out about it and he has been pressuring me to quit and i tried and my teammate said if i dont quit soo he will tell our coach about me smoking and my coach doesn’t take this kind of think very kindly he has a rule that any 1 who smokes or does drugs on this team wil be cut so could u please help thank you 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by AVID reader in politics,freedom fighter
JUST QUIT! Do you like being broke? Japanese Chili Peppers and grass tea or golden seed in Calla loo just eaten in soup.You can always choke down the chili pepper alone but it may burn. however, you can chase t with lemon grass tea or guinea grass tea depending on your taste buds.Will power and breathing is not always kosher. Meditation works with newbies but not always guaranteed. Acupuncture is okay but can cause blood clots f they make a tiny mistake!!!
The active toxin in marijuana is THC, and THC content in the weed you smoke is rising all the time! This is serious CRAP. DETOX. Drink 8 glasses of water a day, and EAT FRUITS and spinach soups right away.!!! for all you patent lawyers.out there. I am waiting. remember the home depot case? Remember me if you ever get rich!!!!!!! don;t be greedy.You want my knowledge. pay up.
Back to you dude.YOU have got to quit now. Look there are wicked people someone can put something in her weed that will make her throw up and feel like shit for weeks or even Kill you right away. out of blood and fire goes freedom. ! don’t be a fool.
Unless you want to be toast.if you can’t d it alone.if you still having trouble, check into rehab or go visit an herbalist unless you got golden seal hanging around your back yard. I only know of it being in Kenya Africa and some in Montana, Florida, California. Ohio, to mention a few but not sure about New York not many trees these days although it is the heart of west Indian country. I know I got one in my yard along with many other life saving shrubs, grasses and trees. WHENEVER YOUR GET THE URGE TO SMOKE.STICK A DELICIOUS FRUIT IN YOUR MOUTH INSTEAD and then go skating or snowboarding. Ride your bike.
Don’t forget to give credit where credit is due. eagle eyes.Grass =Longevity(long life) just like E=MC2


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