Are Drug Abusers Being Taken Care of Even After They Finish the Treatment Program?
Question by Tommy: Are drug abusers being taken care of even after they finish the treatment program?
[rewrite]I’m just curious about how things are after life in rehab. See, my friend Jack is about to finish his ten-week treatment program for his addiction with cocaine. I’m really happy to hear the news from his parents that he’s doing just fine. I just want to know if the treatment programs are extended after he leaves the rehab. I mean, do they have programs or activities that help drug abusers to continue with the healing process? I just want my friend to recover from his addiction for good.
The Complexities of Trauma: A Basic Understanding
The Complexities of Trauma: A Basic Understanding
[rewrite]Jeremy, a 28-year-old commodities trader, enters therapy with the presenting problem that, “I can never seem to maintain an intimate relationship.” Initially, Jeremy's focus is solely on his … If it does turn out that Jeremy is chemically and/or …[/rewrite]
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Substance Abuse Treatment Program helps with 12 Step Program — Married woman recovers from polysubstance abuse with help from the substance abuse treatment program at Brighton Center for Recovery and 12 step program supp…
More Principles Of Drug Addiction Treatment Information…
What Are the Diseases Acquired Caused by Drug Addiction?
Question by genie m: what are the diseases acquired caused by drug addiction?
what are the types of drug addiction?What are sapmle situaitons tht a certain person was a drug addict? What agencies who can help to a certain person who involved drug addiction?what are civil laws, statistics,therapy and rehabilation related to drug addiction.
Best answer:
What Is Th E Difference Between Addiction Clinical Counslors and 12 Step Self Help Programs?
Question by Ina B: what is th e difference between addiction clinical counslors and 12 step self help programs?
I am doing a research paper on drug addiction recovery and what the difference is between the clinical staff (treatment) and going to self help 12-Step groups (etc. N/A, AA).
Best answer:
What Is a Good Book About Drug Addiction All the Way Through to Recovery?
Question by moneyshotman101: What is a good book about drug addiction all the way through to recovery?
i dont want like a 12 step book or anything, just one thats gritty and realistic. shows all the bad and the good but doesnt hold back at all. with a great story and plot. pretty much i have someone close to me that wants to learn more about what i went through and am going through. i figure a good way would be for her to read a good book about it. so please give me some recomendations that would help me show ur every aspect of both addiction and recovery also let me know what drug or drugs is specifically about cause one closely related would help to
Are There Any Free or Low Cost Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers or Outpatient Options in Kansas?
Question by MacLXXI: Are there any free or low cost drug and alcohol rehab centers or outpatient options in Kansas?
I am needing to find services, at no or low cost for drug and alcohol addiction in Kansas, preferably, possibly one of the surrounding states. Thanks for your help.
Best answer:
Answer by Jennifer E
You might want to look into 12 step programs, state programs or treatment programs with payment plans. Look for online resources and talk to others who have been through addiction. Wishing you the best of luck.
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