What Do Drug Rehab Programs Do to Cure Someones Addiction to Illegal Drugs?
Question by Gerri R: What do drug rehab programs do to cure someones addiction to illegal drugs?
What does the treatment involve?
Is it anything like Alcoholics Anonymous, where they go to weekly meetings and say, “Hi, my name is John and I’m an alcoholic (or drug addict). Then they talk to other people at the meeting about drinking and why they like it, etc. Then learn the 12 steps and they are done. Or does drug rehab involve something totally different?
Support Groups and Community Services That Can Help for Drugs?
Question by remo_M: support groups and community services that can help for drugs?
What are the support groups and communty services that can help for substance use and abuse
other than kids help line
Best answer:
Answer by Ed
Gosh, there are hundreds of different support groups.
WHO SEEKS the help for themselves (the abuser, a son/daughter, a parent, or a friend, an adult son/daughter still living with bad memories and ways of thinking from growing up with a drug abuser in the same family, or ?)?
Is THE DRUG ABUSER a kid, an adult, a father/mother, a physician, nurse, or ?
Do you know WHAT TYPE OF DRUG is the person abusing? Marijuana, Cocaine, Pills, or ?
Such info would be key to checking on the availability of a local support group helpline.
What’s It Like Visiting Someone in Drug Rehab?
Question by Amanda: What’s it like visiting someone in drug rehab?
My boyfriend is at a 90-day residential drug rehab and wants me to visit him, he said I can stay the whole day, what’s it like? What will we do?
Best answer:
Answer by gldjns
I can’t say for sure, since I’ve never had the experience. What you can do throughout the entire day is really up to the staff and whatever their policies and restrictions for visitors are.
Add your own answer in the comments!
How to Find the Right Drug Rehab Center?
Question by Truth: How to find the right drug rehab center?
Does anyone know of a website or service that can help me locate a good drug rehab center? A family member is looking to get help and my family wants to make sure he enters the best facility we can find. We’re not looking for government funded facilities or out-patient programs, but a reliable inpatient rehab center. I’m not sure where to start looking, so if there’s a site or something where I can narrow down the search by certain criteria or success rate, it’d be a lot easier. Thanks.
Can You Join the CG if You Have Been in Alcohol/addiction Treatment?
Question by Tikka G: Can you join the CG if you have been in alcohol/addiction treatment?
I’m trying to find out some info about whether the Coast Guard will accept someone who has gone through alcohol/addictions treatment. If you are honest on your SF-86, it shouldn’t be a problem as long as you finished the treatment and are discharged from the facility right? Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Malruhn
GREAT question!!
This is one that needs to be asked to a recruiter – but until then, I am sure there would be some sort of waiting period, like at least XX years between when the person was released from treatment until they could sign the paperwork to enlist.
What Was the Name of the Classical Song That Was on That 80’s Commercial for an Alcohol Treatment Center?
Question by freshmode87: What was the name of the classical song that was on that 80’s commercial for an alcohol treatment center?
Does anyone remember that commercial from the 80’s for a drug and alcohol treatment center? They used to run the commercial constantly (at least in Southern Cal), I think the place was called Schick or New Beginnings. What was the name of the song that played in the background during the commercial? It is a very famous classical piece that sounds a lot like Canon D (the wedding song) but it’s not. They used it in the A&E show “Intervention” the other day so it appears to be synonymous with addiction and treatment. If you know it you’re a genius!