What Project Can I Make Out of Drug-Alcohol Abuse Psychology Research?
Question by thomas_afi628: What project can I make out of Drug-Alcohol Abuse Psychology research?
I am a senior in high school, and we have to do a big graduation project that consists of a 5-page paper, 15 hours with a mentor, and a final presentation in front of judges. The topic I was considering was A Day In The Life of a Psychologist. Substance Abuse, more specifically. My paper could be about how drug and alcohol abuse has grown/stopped/whatever in America over the last 60 or so years. What could I do as a final presentation? I was thinking, maybe a step-by-step plan for a recovering adolescent, but I’m not really sure. Any suggestions?
Addicted State Governments
Addicted state governments
Filed under: gambling addiction help
Individuals who can't stop gambling on their own often get help from Gamblers Anonymous, which is similar to Alcoholics Anonymous. One of the 12 steps is to “make a fearless moral and financial inventory of ourselves.” When state governments are …
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Are Apps Making Your Child A Gambling Addict?
Filed under: gambling addiction help
But now, some experts are warning that some games might be "addictive" and may be "grooming" kids to be future gamblers. Chandler Gotfried is a freshman … She teaches a gambling prevention class to University of Oregon students. She starts with a quiz.
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Drug Addicts Without 'Hope'
Drug addicts without 'Hope'
Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers
However, this was not met with a similar increase in the number of drug rehabilitation centers. I expected the ministry to give some attention to this important issue. The successful rehabilitation of drug addicts will save society from a number of …
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Hooked on meds
Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers
Official statistics are therefore just the tip of the iceberg. Here in the Middle East, figures have yet to be collated so the topic of prescription drug addiction is largely uncovered. While prescription medicine addiction typically follows surgery or …
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What Are Some Job Careers That Help Get People Off Drugs?
Question by meeeeeee: What are some job careers that help get people off drugs?
I want to save peoples lives by getting them off drugs. what are my career options?
Best answer:
Answer by Dochallcom, PhD
America-along with many other industrialized nations-face numerous obstacles in dealing with substance abusers attempting to function normally in society. The need for Substance Abuse Counselors and Addiction Specialists are growing considerably, not just because of emerging younger addicts, but also because of older adults who have adopted errant behaviors conducive to compulsive drinking and drug use.
What Is the Best Drug Rehab for Young Adults?
Question by Mary Williams: What is the best drug rehab for young adults?
I am trying to find the best treatment center in Arizona for my little brother. He is 21 and using heroin. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by Bill Davis
There are many great treatment centers for drug and alcohol addiction. Depending on your brother’s circumstances he may need long term treatment. Addiction is a disease of the mind as well as the body. I would suggest that you explore a treatment facility that incorporates 12 step focused recovery as well as life skills and schooling. If you are looking for something specifically in Arizona I would suggest you explore Back2Basics in Flagstaff, AZ.
Do Substance Abuse Treatment Programs Really Work?
Question by ciana db: Do substance abuse treatment programs really work?
I have pretty much lived a sheltered life. I have an acquaintance who is going to undergo substance abuse treatment and I was just wondering whether such programs are effective.
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