Can a Federally Funded Program (The VA) for Alcohol or Drug Rehab Force You to Go to AA or NA?
Question by Brett: Can a federally funded program (the VA) for alcohol or drug rehab force you to go to AA or NA?
Separation of church and state and how AA and NA talks about God all throughout their books? For example, the state cannot force you to go to church.
Best answer:
Answer by Gazza
AA and NA does not work for people if they are not willing to change and accept that they have a problem. AA and NA are not for everyone, sometimes people are more willing and receptive to a harm reduction programme instead of a 12 step abstinence programme.
I’m a Heroin Addict?
Question by takingsunday21: I’m a heroin addict?
Ok, to start im a 20 yr old male. I started using heroin about 5 or 6 months ago, when i was 19. I really hate what ive become. I have an awesome girlfriend, who doesnt have any idea about my problem, actually, none of my family knows. im a very skilled guitar player, but havent done anything productive since i started using. I know that in a twisted way, im fortunate to be seeking help this early in my addiction. so yes, my withdrawal period will be easier than someone whos been using for years but, at the same time, im to far in for it to be anywhere near easy. going cold turkey is not an option, i tried, and became extremely sick, and i never want to feel that way again. also an in house rehab center wouldnt work, because i have a fulltime job and i really dont want anyone to know about this, my family, friends, or co workers. Once im off, relapsing wont be an obstacle. It wont happen, im so ready to be off this damn drug. man, a methadone treatment would be ideal, but i want a doc.
Where and What Is the Best Drug Rehab Center?
Question by blueshroom: Where and what is the best Drug Rehab center?
Looking for a drug rehab center for 19 y/o who is abusing opiates.
We are in South Jersey. We’ve tried, individual psychotherapy, Intensive outpt.
I’m not sure if they want treatment because they want to get well or because they have no choice…..
Best answer:
Answer by justabigfan
In any particular state? Private treatment? Long-term?
What Is the Willard Drug Program?
Question by diamonds f: what is the willard drug program?
my baby father did 4yrs for assault, basically he got off 6month ago and he is on parole, he violated parole when undercovers had a warant for his appartment and he was arrested for ilegal substances, he got off on 1500$ bail but when he went to his parole program he got arrested and he has been at rikers for a month, what do u think he might get
Best answer:
Answer by Penguin_Bob
You should find your answer about the program at one of these sites …
What Are the Problem With Drug Rehabilitation Programs ?
Question by Ashley: What are the problem with drug rehabilitation programs ?
I want to know if drug rehabilitation programs have any world issue
Like if they think there needs to be more funding or less
What it needs to make it better perhaps like if you were to put forward a bill for drug rehabilitation programs what would it cover
Thank you ^^
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Where to Find a Good Hazelton Drug Rehab ?
Question by : Where to find a good hazelton drug rehab ?
Hi, I am living in Hazelton, USA and I am looking for a good Hazelton Drug Rehab for a friend of mine. What do you think I should consider when looking for the “perfect” drug rehab program ?
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