I Am Looking for Information on How Drug Addiction Treatments in Sullivan, Maine Work.?
Question by arlyn r: I am looking for information on how drug addiction treatments in Sullivan, Maine work.?
I’m working on a TV-movie script about the life of a drug rehab patient. I think it will be more realistic if I include some information about drug treatment programs and how they are conducted. I hope you can help me.
Best answer:
Answer by crazychic
u mean drug “deaddiction” treatments?? 🙂
Sorry no clue
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Staten Island Parents and Youth Leaders Invited to Talk About Substance Abuse
Staten Island parents and youth leaders invited to talk about substance abuse
Filed under: drug abuse help for parents
Discussions about teens and drug abuse will take place Tuesday in New Dorp and Wednesday, Aug. 29, in Eltingville. STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. – Members of the Tackling Youth Substance Abuse (TYSA) initiative need input from parents, caretakers of children …
Read more on SILive.com
Children suffer most from prescription drug epidemic
Filed under: drug abuse help for parents
Hochul Announces Grant for Local Substance Abuse Prevention Program
Hochul announces grant for local substance abuse prevention program
Filed under: drug abuse prevention
Working together to keep our youth drug-free is critical to creating strong communities that are safe, healthy, and drug free. This funding will provide the support necessary to implement substance abuse education and prevention programs across Genesee …
Read more on The Batavian
Monmouth, Middlesex Get Federal Grants For Substance Abuse Prevention
Filed under: drug abuse prevention
Drug Abuse Treatment Programs Are an Example Of?
Question by bellabonita: Drug abuse treatment programs are an example of?
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention
None of the above
Best answer:
Answer by TroyR
None of the above.
They are an example of people wasting money on programs that are only marginally successful. If a person really wants to quit doing drugs or drinking, they will just do it.
What do you think? Answer below!
If You Have ANY Connections to Journalism, or the Media PLEASE Read This.?
Question by : If you have ANY connections to journalism, or the media PLEASE read this.?
I know this is a shot in the dark, but maybe something good will come out of this. If you have any connection to the media and could get this story into a magazine/newspaper/blog/tv/news show i hope you’ll consider it. Even if you can’t do that, please spread this around.
You can read the full story and different articles about it at
Is It Illegal to Sell Video Games in Virginia? Do You Need a License to Do So?
Question by Chris A.: Is it illegal to sell video games in Virginia? Do you need a license to do so?
I mean honestly Virginia is too strict about EVERYTHING. But selling video games locally to people is that bad?
I know selling liquor, drugs, porn, weapons are bad.
How about selling used video games, Used clothing, used electronics? Stuff not needed in the house anymore.
Best answer: