What Should I Do to Have My Best Chance at Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery?
Question by Paula: What should I do to have my best chance at alcohol and drug addiction recovery?
I am looking for a literature review information on the best chance of recovery from chemical and alcohol addiction.l just read one person’s “professional” suggestions on the topic and I’m ready to scream. I would like to write an effective rebuttal.
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Answer by leslie
Change your situation.
-New environment
-New hobbies
-New friends.
Are There Any Addiction Treatment Centers in Atherton, California That Address Cases of Gambling Addiction?
Question by colleen_li: Are there any addiction treatment centers in Atherton, California that address cases of gambling addiction?
I’m doing a report on gambling for one of my classes and I would like to find more information regarding gambling addiction. I figured that since I don’t know someone who is afflicted with such a disorder, I’d go directly to treatment centers so that I may interview a patient.
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The Roots of Addiction
The roots of addiction
Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help
According to Psychology Today, co-occurring disorders refer to the presence of two or more disorders, such as mental health and substance abuse disorders, at the same time. The term co-occurring replaces dual disorders and dual diagnosis because it is …
Read more on Hernando Today
DCCCA offers walk-in substance abuse counseling on Wednesdays
Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help
Because April is Alcohol Awareness Month, counselors at DCCCA, a Lawrence-based drug and alcohol treatment provider, want to remind people that they offer walk-in screenings and assessments for substance abuse problems every Wednesday afternoon, …
Read more on Lawrence Journal World
Should Adderall Be Prescribed to a Person With a History of Drug Abuse?
Question by Mr.Obvious: Should Adderall be prescribed to a person with a history of drug abuse?
a friend of mine has a history of drug abuse and was prescribed Adderall, a pharmacutical grade amphetamine, for adhd. Now she acts like she can’t function without it. Should this be cause for concern?
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