addiction recovery

Men vs. Women: Does Gender Matter in Addiction Recovery?

Men vs. Women: Does Gender Matter in Addiction Recovery?

Filed under: drug addiction help recovery

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, men are twice as likely as women to meet the criteria for drug addiction in their lifetime (though rates of prescription drug abuse are about equal). The disparity appears to be even …
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'Cult' rehab treatment cost man his leg, police say

Filed under: drug addiction help recovery

Who Out There Can Give Me a Little Insight to the Social Services Field. What Do You Do on a Daily Basis?

Question by shannwater: who out there can give me a little insight to the social services field. what do you do on a daily basis?
I am trying to decide what to go to school for and social services seems to be pulling at me. But what specific field should i go into? Addictions, families, children, elderly? I am looking for some advice from people already in those general fields who can tell me the ‘goings on’ of their jobs. Is the pay worth the stress and self fullfilment of helping people? Any advice at all would be helpfull as i dont even fully know if i want to study this field. i bet knowing another language, i.e. spanish, would help incredibly. Thank you!

I Need Help With Overcoming a Pornography Addiction.?

Question by zombieeinstein: I need help with overcoming a pornography addiction.?
Ok there’s a whole lot more to my story, but here’s what’s up. I’m trying to overcome a “pornography” addiction. I have a girlfriend whom I plan to marry, but cannot because we are too young still. I love her more than anything, and have told her of my addiction. Slowly I began to stop and got off the “real people” porn. Then I started to get hooked to japanese anime/hentai, and that still is sort of a problem but I feel I can get over it. But now I am looking up stuff on youtube of stupid things like girls sucking on a banana, which I now watch as if it were my old pornography. My girlfriend is completely against pornography, and I feel I am against it too, but I don’t know sometimes. I used to feel really guilty looking up things, but now I don’t.

Where Can I Find a 30 Day Residential Drug Treatment Center in Orange County California?

Question by toby: where can i find a 30 day residential drug treatment center in orange county california?

Best answer:

Answer by druid
<>How about this one?
Or, find your own here:

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



California Drug Treatment Centers – Vista Bay offers drug free addiction recovery centers throughout California. Vista Bay follows the Narconon program of addiction treatment with out the use of drugs.


Report: State failed to police drug, alcohol detox centers

Filed under: drug treatment centers in california

What ALL Are Your Options for Drug Addiction Treatment?

Question by ddti: What ALL Are Your Options for Drug Addiction Treatment?
I have a VERY close family member who is a drug addict. I myself DO NOT enable him in ANY way! Not 5 dollars, not a ride here or anything at all. But I DO have several family members who DO enable him!!! It is so frustrating that they are still enabling his addiction. My question is What all options do we have for treatment for him. He has been to 3 rehabs. I wondered if it could be treated medically???

Best answer:

Looking for a Good Christian Drug Rehab Program for Women?

Question by Jonathan: Looking for a good Christian drug rehab program for women?
I have a 25 year old friend who needs lots of counseling and drug rehab. I am looking for a Christian women’s counseling center. I want something that is at least 6 months all the way up to 15 months and she lives there. Anyone know of any good ones? She currently lives in New Jersey but could travel anywhere.

Best answer:

Answer by Shannon W
news flash you do know that in your picture you are a guy

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