Where Can I Find a Consultant to Help Me to Get Certified for Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center in Ca?
Question by USImporter: Where can i find a consultant to help me to get certified for Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center in Ca?
I am planing to start outpatient AOD Treatment Center and I need some experianced consultant who can guide me from start up.
Best answer:
Answer by packinrat
You don’t need a consultant.
The state will require the place be run by an experienced certified treatment professional. If you have that, you have your consultant.
They will not accept the credentials of a part time or temporary consultant sorry.
How Can I Stop My Addiction 2 Books??
Question by Booky524: How can I stop my addiction 2 books??
Ok, im 12(goin on 13) and I was wonderin how i can stop mi addiction 2 books. I go 2 the library prolly 3x a week and everytime i checkout about 20 books. I never end ^ readin them all, and it makes me mad that i cant. Can NE1 help moi??
Best answer:
Answer by Lindsey D
Don’t worry … I was like that when I was your age. I thought I would never slow down, but as I got older and busier I had to slow down. I still love to read now and days, but rather than reading 3-4 books a day I am now only reading 1-2 books a week (if I’m lucky.) Life will happen.
I Need Help Getting My Life Together.?
Question by Chris S: I need help getting my life together.?
Im 19 years old. I was raised by my parents till i was twelve. They where on oxycotin spent everything we had on the drugs. Then i moved out due to my dads paranoid schizophrenia. We lived in a small town in west va and he thought everyone was out to get him. But now i live in Petersburg Virginia and i have a job at Pizza hut that i hate, making 6.55 an hour.
Im addicted to oxycodone just as my parents where. Im so ashamed of myself. I have to pay my bills myself on top of my drug habit i have nothing to show for my money. I have no education i quite school to move away from my dad. I dont think my life will mount to anything. I have no one.. literally no one that cares about me. Therefor i have no one to help me.
I just need advice on how to get my life together. Maybe i should look for a wife who can help me or something.. i dont know im just lost and alone. I need to get my life together before my addiction gets out of hand. I can handle the addiction i basically need a way to get an education, take care of myself while im in school, and just someone who cares about me…