addiction rehab

What Type of Qualifications Do I Need to Work at an Addiction Rehab Centre?

Question by Kait 😀: What type of qualifications do I need to work at an addiction rehab centre?
I’m currently in the process of getting my BA-H in Psychology. I want to be a counselor in an addiction center. Not the person dealing with any medicine/ drug withdrawl or biological issues, more on the psychotherapy end of the spectrum. Finding out what happened, why it happened and how to help them get better.

Do I need to become a psychologists (PhD) Or can I do this with a master in clinical psych/ counseling psych, Master of Social Work?

Do You Think the NHS Should Stop Giving Free Treatment to Drug Addicts?

Question by Vivien Gina K.: Do you think the NHS should stop giving free treatment to drug addicts?
In my college we are doing a tv show and this question is our topic, currently the NHS is giving free treatment to drug addicts however should they continue to this or should addicts pay because it was there choice in the first place to start on drugs?

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Answer by Yipes
Short answer no

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Does Life Ever Get Better?

Question by melinda: Does life ever get better?
hi, I’m recovering from a drug addiction about a little over two weeks clean at the moment and I’m doing it on my own. And I don’t feel life is worth living, I mean does it ever get better? I feel like I’m in a black hole and the light is getting further and further out of reach. Some shit happened in my past that I couldn’t handle so I OD’d a little over 2 years ago and ended up in the hospital and after that I got hooked on drugs. Does anyone have any experience with what I’m going through??? I just want to be happy again and I’m scared. Im 21 years old.

Petitions to Keep Starbucks Stores Open: Craziness or Caffeine Addiction?

Question by Good?Gyrl: Petitions to keep Starbucks stores open: Craziness or Caffeine Addiction?
I read in the Wall Street Journal that there are groups around the country circulating petitions and calling Starbucks’ headquarters trying to stop them from closing stores. Are they insane? Coffee is NOT that important. I think it’s ridiculous! They have more than enough stores – for example, Chicago and NY: you can’t walk 5 city blocks without finding at least THREE or more Starbucks stores. I think it’s insanity. Do you think it’s time they closed, or are you sad?

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Is Decriminalizing Drug Use and Increasing Rehab Opportuniites the Solution to Illegal Drugs?

Question by Alvaro G: is decriminalizing drug use and increasing rehab opportuniites the solution to illegal drugs?
Mexico passed a controversial law on Aug. 20, 2009, decriminalizing people’s personal use of drugs.
the decriminalization policy is a progressive effort to humanize people who use drugs
punitive sanctions for drug users, such as detention, is no longer adopted in Mexico. The government believes that people who use drugs need health treatment. Drug addiction rehabilitation facilities should be established to fulfill their needs for health treatment, care and support for a full reco

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What Are the Long Term, and Immediate Addiction Problems, That Occur From Houghing Alcohol?

Question by Cody Dombrowski: What are the long term, and immediate addiction problems, that occur from houghing alcohol?
What are the long term, and immediate addiction problems, that occur from houghing alcohol? How imposing does an addiction pose in an “addict”? What is the lifelong effect?

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