Can You Please Give Me Some Inside/ideas on What to Include in This Paper?
Question by zlosnica_13: Can you please give me some inside/ideas on what to include in this paper?
Here is the question, I dont want you to do my homework for me, just help me get some ideas of what to write in it, its for philosophy and I am not so good with it.
Thank you
For most of our history, drug addiction has been viewed as a weakness of the will, an inability to control one’s desires but now there is a growing consensus in the medical and treatment communities that addiction is a disease. What is the relevance of the Free Will/Determinism debate for this shift in thinking about drug addiction?
What Are the Benefits of Substance Abuse Treatment?
Question by aubrie s: What are the benefits of substance abuse treatment?
I mean, aside from the fact that it would get to treat an individual and make him sober again. It’s just that addiction treatments cost so much that I was just wondering if it’s really worth it.
Best answer:
What Is More Expensive,Death Penalty or Life in Prison Here in California?
Question by Alejandro: What is more expensive,death penalty or life in prison here in California?
What is more expensive,death penalty or life in prison here in California?
Best answer:
Answer by nick
death cause death u never get out unless u work something ca it depends wat is it
Give your answer to this question below!
California Drug Rehab Centers- Group Therapy in Drug and Alcohol Rehab – Miramar drug and alcohol treatment center (888) 363-8721. Group therapy in a drug and alco…
I Need to Know the Location of a Treatment Center That Require Addicts to Work to Pay for Their Treatment.?
Question by forjesus: I need to know the location of a treatment center that require addicts to work to pay for their treatment.?
I am searching for an inpatient drug/alcohol treatment center/program that requires the client with no-insurance or other assistance to work a job within the treatment program itself to pay for the treatment they need. If you choose to answer please leave a website address or information on the program. Thank You!
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How Can You Have Someone Committed to a Mental Institution?
Question by Haley J: How can you have someone committed to a mental institution?
My brother is 50 years old and a drug addict. He lives off my 67 year old mother. He has had heart attacks and strokes but continues to do drugs daily. How can I have him committed to a drug treatment center or better yet a mental health institution because he is mental and he has no control over his life or his addictions. I live in Ohio. Serious answers only please.
Best answer:
Answer by Mark
You need to find out about the mental health code in Ohio (I live in Michigan).