Anyone Know a Doc That Prescibes Suboxone in NW Indiana Area That Will Accept My HMO Insurance?
Question by 2NewHips: Anyone know a doc that prescibes suboxone in NW Indiana area that will accept my HMO insurance?
I’m trying to get treatment for a vicodin addiction and I’ve decided to go with suboxone but I’m having a hard time finding a physician in my “network” .
Best answer:
Answer by ripken_hof
Good Luck,do all u can to get your LIFE back…
chase a DR. like you were chasing the drugs
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Can Someone Tell Me How I’m Going to Search for Addiction Treatment Centers in La Jolla, California?
Question by celia w: Can someone tell me how I’m going to search for addiction treatment centers in La Jolla, California?
My mom lives there. I have just recently gotten word from my sister that she’s gotten involved in drugs. I think this is because of the fact that my father lives far away from us and has just abandoned us recently. That really crushed my mom. I hate knowing that this is happening to her. My sister is asking for my help in searching for addiction treatment centers. How will I do this?
Best answer:
Dianne Feinstein on Damage Done by Assault Weapons: "There'S Blood and …
Dianne Feinstein on damage done by assault weapons: "There's blood and …
Filed under: Virginia Beach Drug Treatment
Why doesn't Piers speak about the drug traffic problem and all the deaths caused by it in both the US and Great Britian…oh yeah, he's probably a user himself just like all the Hollywood types! Or why not attack the movie industry and see if he can't …
Read more on CNN (blog)
Federal budget cuts would have wide-ranging impact for North Carolina
Filed under: Virginia Beach Drug Treatment
Where Can I Find a Good Alcohol Rehabilitation Program?
Question by phillip h: Where can I find a good alcohol rehabilitation program?
I’ve been dependent on alcohol ever since my friends got me to drink a few months ago. I’ve been thinking of turning over a new leaf, and I was just wondering about rehabilitation programs. I live in Florida and don’t want to go far just for rehab.
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How Can I Find Out Which Homes a Fail Bank Owns?
Question by Kimberley: How can I find out which homes a fail bank owns?
I live in Detroit, MI when recently losing my home due to a fire set buy the neighborhood hoodlums I became homeless and dont have enough money to buy another house and I dont make enough to rent a house/apartment. I make $ 1036 per month and everybody I’ve spoken with require you make $ 1200-$ 1500. I know half of the homes in my neighborhood I been forced to leave has several abandon homes and I am thinking of following the Michigan Adverse Possession Law. All these homes are just sitting here, its nothing but a place for addicts to go get high, hoodlums to sell drugs out of, a spot for hookers to turn a trick, hoodlums to hide stolen cars, and easy access to take one of these kids into and rape them…ect. I’m willing to take my money and fix the house up and maintain the lawn (paint, window, floors, carpet, doors, locks, plumbing..ect) which would make a home for my children and I and get rid of all the risk factors. I’m not getting a free ride because these houses need $ 1000’s to bring them up to code and livable. I’m looking for abandon houses which belonged to banks that went out of business which I know how to obtain a list of the banks I just dont know how to find out which properties they owe…. Before tryin to follow the michigan adverse possession law I’m going to ask about buying the home (I only have $ 5000 to put down plus my monthly income)…. Any clue how I obtain this information??? (negative comments will be ignored) TIA
What Are Some Needs/shortfalls in Drug Addiction Rehab or Supervised Injection Sites?
Question by smallbewbsftw: What are some needs/shortfalls in drug addiction rehab or supervised injection sites?
this is for a school project and our group wants to perhaps raise money for what is really lacking in the centres that assist drug addicts
but we dont even know what is most needed, and i cant find any site that really tells yuu this
were not sure if were going to fundraise, and if we do would the money be for rehab or injection sites or whatever helps drug addiction
but we could really use the info first, and i might just personally go to one myself to see