How Do You Start a Special Needs Daycare Center?
Question by jawsnu7: How do you start a special needs daycare center?
I would like to start a daycare center for special need children.
Could be AIDS Children or Drug abuse during pregnacy.
I would like to know how to go about establishing it as a Small business?
I would also like to know about North Carolina State licsenure for these type DayCare Centers? What are state requirements for buildings?
I have a Bachelor of Arts in Reading Education.
What are other requirements for Federal and State Grants?
All answers will be appreciated.
How do I establish business credit?
Is There a Drug Rehab Center in Cherry Valley, Arkansas?
Question by jared: Is there a drug rehab center in Cherry Valley, Arkansas?
Hi I’m Jared and I’m a law student. I just want to know if there really is a drug rehab center somewhere in Cherry Valley, Arkansas. We have this project and we have to investigate on this certain person who is supposedly hiding in a drug rehab center. This is very important to me. Any form of help will be appreciated. Thanks.
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Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach to Honor Citizens of the Year
Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach to honor Citizens of the Year
Filed under: addiction help center
The chamber will also honor past Grover Beach chamber board members and others who “went above and beyond” to help the Grover Beach chamber, said Judith Bean, president and CEO of the Arroyo Grande & Grover Beach chamber. The two chambers merged last …
Read more on Sanluisobispo
Diabetes education, yoga, addiction support and more in this week's Health Notes
Filed under: addiction help center
Is There a Drug Rehab in Ft. Benning, Georgia for Soldiers?
Question by christilicious: Is there a drug rehab in Ft. Benning, Georgia for Soldiers?
Just wondering if there is. I have heard that there aren’t any in Georgia (not for the soldiers) – I am asking for someone who is in the Army.
Best answer:
Answer by John T
Yes, every base has a drug and alchohol abuse program. (used to be called ACAP). Ft Benning would have one as well as any post near him.
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Is It Recommended to Enter a Drug Rehab in Glenview Manor, Kentucky After a Detox?
Question by jane: Is it recommended to enter a drug rehab in Glenview Manor, Kentucky after a detox?
My boyfriend Adam recently had a detox and they say that he needs to enter a drug rehab in order to fully recover. Is it true? I mean, is entering a drug rehab really necessary? I really miss Adam but if entering a drug rehab will be the best option for him to be completely fine then I’m okay with it.
Best answer:
Answer by skaizun
Respectfully, you are not even in the equation, much less any decision.
My guess is “they” are the courts, so he has no choice, either.
Anyone Know of Good & Effective Dual Diagnosis Rehab Centers?
Question by Anthony B: Anyone know of good & effective dual diagnosis rehab centers?
I’ve decided to get myself some help and need advice on treatment centers. I need a place that specializes in mental-illness(more specifically, bipolar) along with drug and alcohol addiction. I haven’t the slightest clue how to locate a quality program and need some help. If anyone knows of any or has gone through a similar situation, please share.
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