Addicted to Sobriety: My Five Favorite Moments From the Fix's Recovery Fair
Addicted to Sobriety: My Five Favorite Moments From The Fix's Recovery Fair
Filed under: drug addiction help recovery
So The Fix, a daily Web site for alcohol and drug addiction recovery news that I help edit, partnered with rehabber The Hills and threw the first-ever Recovery Fair on Saturday, November 10th, where friendships were formed, children's faces were …
Read more on LA Magazine (blog)
New Walden Grant Aimed at Youth Substance Abuse Recovery
Filed under: drug addiction help recovery
Should the Government Provide Birth Control to Women?
Question by Jeff: Should the government provide Birth control to women?
I understand that not taking birth control can cause cysts and the such but I dont want to pay. Did anyone pay for my hormone treatments after I had surgery? No, no one pays for my medicine, except for me. Not the government, not the hospital, me and my insurance.
long answer
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Answer by Edward the Less
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The Harm Reduction Model of Response to Drug Abuse?
Question by xayanexchanx: The Harm Reduction Model of response to drug abuse?
I have to explain the The Harm Reduction Model of response to drug abuse, and in my college book, i cant find a solid definition. Any help would be greatly appreciated .
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If you will type your query into your search bar there is a good definition available.~
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From bullied to bully and beginning anew
Filed under: drug abuse definition
How Do I Make My Essay More Descriptive?
Question by AnyssaK: How do i make my essay more descriptive?
A desperate, young woman gave up everything for something that could have ended her life at any given moment: crystal meth. That young woman was my older sister Laurel. My sister never really enjoyed school, so she dropped out at age sixteen. Shortly after dropping out, she went to live with her father in Ohio (we had different dads). While living there, my sister met her boyfriend, Nick, who made his money by dealing drugs. She eventually moved in with him and started using. Laurel did not only change her life, but changed me and my families’ as well.
My sister thought her life was perfect. All she cared about was meth, and when she would be able to get her next high. However; once my mom found out she was using, she immediately made her move back down to Georgia. Consequently, Laurel was sent to a rehab center for the first time. Unfortunately, she relapsed shortly after being released. On the other hand, it was very hard for her to find the drugs she wanted sometimes. Therefore, she would go days without getting high and have extreme withdrawal symptoms. I remember one night she came home from a friend’s house and told my mom she had not eaten in 3 or four days. My mom tried giving her a pack of cheese crackers and Laurel threw them in her face.
Help! I'm Addicted to Lindsay Lohan
Help! I'm Addicted to Lindsay Lohan
Filed under: internet addiction help
When I sign on to my computer at work, my internet home page is … My addiction to Lindsay Lohan began several years ago, coinciding with the first time her picture graced the cover of Us Weekly magazine or at least the first time I noticed …
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'Internet Use Disorder' to be added to American Psychiatric Association manual
Filed under: internet addiction help
What State Government Agency Funds Drug Rehab Centers?
Question by Missy: What state government agency funds drug rehab centers?
I’m doing a report for my State and Local Government class and I can’t find what agency funds Drug and Alcohol rehab centers.
Best answer:
Answer by Olivia
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