How Will I Find Drug Rehabilitation Centers in Atwater, California?
Question by aryana la: How will I find drug rehabilitation centers in Atwater, California?
I would really like to find drug rehabs because I need to do a research on various kinds of drug addictions and I want to get information from the people who are dealing with drug dependent people on a daily basis.
Best answer:
Answer by catherine_ann
The local phone directory surely has contact information of the drug rehabs in your area. You can also choose to use the links below or call your local health services department. I do hope that you get to find the information you need. Good luck!
What Is ADHD in the Treatment of Drug and Alcohol Abuse?
Question by larry` w: what is ADHD in the treatment of drug and alcohol abuse?
Best answer:
Answer by Meg 19
ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a separate psychiatric condition from a drug and alcohol dependency. There is a higher incidence of a drug or alcohol addiction in a ADHD diagnosed patient. ADHD symptoms are inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
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Alcohol Addiction Treatment Drug Addiction Rehab Tom Horvath on CNN 31Jan2009 – Alcohol Addiction Treatment Drug Addiction Rehab Practical Recovery Tom Horvath Arthur Horvath
Are There Places Where They Give Group Tours of the Facilities Dealing With Drug Rehab in Dallas, Tx?
Question by Daniela M: Are there places where they give group tours of the facilities dealing with drug rehab in Dallas, Tx?
I am in a group dealing with psychology and we want to take some tours of places such as drug rehab facility or another facility of that sort and possibly get to talk with the patients. .ie sex rehab, eating disorders, mental illness, etc. Any help would be great.
Best answer:
Richmond Outreach Center Draws Attention as More Churches Offer Addiction …
Richmond Outreach Center Draws Attention as More Churches Offer Addiction …
Filed under: Drug Rehabs Virginia
This Virginia congregation, originally conceived as an inner-city outreach organization, proudly offers a wide range of community services, including addiction rehab programs. Pastor Geronimo Aguilar says this new trend among religious bodies is …
Read more on MarketWatch (press release)
Making the hard choice to cut off contact with a brother tormented by …
Filed under: Drug Rehabs Virginia