alcohol abuse

How Can I Help My Friend Who Is Already Dependent Into Drugs?

Question by Adrian Cage: How can I help my friend who is already dependent into drugs?
[rewrite]I think he has prescription drugs addiction and he is also an alcohol addict. Is there a way for him to recover from these problems?

Best answer:

Answer by Christie Stephanie
Both prescription drugs and alcohol addiction can be serious and deadly diseases because it destroys the ones health and wellness. I advise that your friend has to undergo a dual diagnosis treatment which I believe takes a long term to finally overcome those addictions.

Residential Psychiatric Treatment for Young Adults in New England?

Question by CQ: Residential psychiatric treatment for young adults in New England?
[rewrite]Treatment needed for an 18 year old suicidal girl with PTSD, anorexia/bulimia, drug and alcohol abuse, self-harm, depression, severe anxiety, and possibly borderline personality disorder.
Any suggestions of centers or hospitals in the Northeast, preferably in Massachusetts but not necessarily?
Thank you SO MUCH.

Best answer:

A Community | Safe Harbor Treatment Center for Women

A Community | Safe Harbor Treatment Center for Women — Women 18-45 suffering from drug or alcohol abuse, addiction, depression, eating disorder Safe Harbor for Women works Call now … Safe Harbor Treatment Cente…

Fairfield Breakfast Networking Event on Campus Recovery Pulls Record
[rewrite]With studies indicating that more than 31% of students on college campuses across the country meet the criteria for substance abuse disorder, and 6% for dependency, the need for on-campus support and counseling is at an all-time high. Click. Sarah …[/rewrite]
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Caring Parents Help Kids Say No to Alcohol/Beer

Caring Parents Help Kids Say No to Alcohol/Beer — One teen asks her friend if she wants to drink beer. Her friend confidently turns her down and moves away from the potentially dangerous situation. Video cre…

'Families In Action' Celebrates 10 Years Of Drug Education On KHTS
[rewrite]The program's ongoing mission: To help educate the SCV community about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse and addiction, and provide resources for people of any age who need help to get sober. If you include various specials, that adds up to roughly …[/rewrite]
Read more on KHTS Radio

Can a Bipolar Manic Episode Be Brought on by Alcohol and Only Last During the Time Drinking?

Question by geek: Can a bipolar manic episode be brought on by alcohol and only last during the time drinking?
[rewrite]My husband is a non medicated bipolar pt. He has had issues with my daughter and last nite apparently took the cake. He was drinking, and fixated on one thing i said as i was walking out the door. When I returned he was crying so i left him alone. He came to me talking about how the world was going to end and that the shooting in virginia was just one of the starting things. And that he was just speaking for the shooter becasue noone would listen. Then he got angry. (might have had something to do with me pouring his bottle of alcohol down the sink ) He never laid a hand on me but he definately powered over me for intimidation. He wouldn’t let me leave to another room. He was looking for the bank card and i refused to give it to him, but i did go take half the money out of the bank as he is not on our account. He finally passed out. The kids are all ok. the daughter that was the focus is not home and is moving out. She is very disrespectful to me and him and he seems to think i can fix it. we have tried just about everything except boot camp and we don’t have the money for that. So i don’t know. Just some ideas. I don’t know if hes going to remember that he is moving out today since he was pretty drunk or what. any suggestions. If its part of his mental illness I don’t feel i should throw him to the curb if he wakes up and feels totally bad….help
he was diagnosed before we got back together. I day pt because i am a nurse so it is hard to go different pattern. He has told me he uses the alcohol when he is depressed but it starts with depression and turns to anger among other things.

What Domain Names Panasonic and 20 Other End Users Recently Bought

What domain names Panasonic and 20 other end users recently bought
[rewrite]It seems lately I've been seeing handful of rehab/drug abuse end user sales on the list each week. You might want to look into these types of domain names. 2. … $ 1,250 – Alcohol abuse treatment provider Accelerated Recovery …[/rewrite]
Read more on Domain Name Wire

Whitmore: Renaissance of our neglected Adelaide CBD square
[rewrite]And so she stayed in the ancient cottage, eventually inheriting it from her parents, while the square down the street slowly morphed into a very different place – known for down and outers, drink, drugs and prostitution, and all the accompanying …[/rewrite]
Read more on Adelaide Now