alcohol abuse

Warning Signs of Teenage Drug Addiction

Warning Signs of Teenage Drug Addiction

New York Times Misses Mark on Buprenorphine Drug
[rewrite]Diversion and street use of buprenorphine occur, but much of this illicit use is likely related to lack of access to treatment. Studies report that people are self-treating their withdrawal symptoms or opioid addiction, rather than seeking to get high …[/rewrite]
Read more on Huffington Post

Addiction tends to run in families
[rewrite]They must learn how to be cautious, know the signs of an addict and be aware of their family history with addiction. In the end, it is each individual's responsibility to know his or her limits when using alcohol or other substances. Everyone must …[/rewrite]
Read more on Aztec Press

Riverside Drug Detox Launches Awareness Program Around Adult Drug Addiction

Riverside Drug Detox Launches Awareness Program Around Adult Drug Addiction
[rewrite]More times than not, there are real-life issues that a person has used drugs to hide, repress or deny within themselves. Some issues might include physical, emotional, spiritual or mental abuse. Drug rehab centers stand firmly upon the foundation of …[/rewrite]
Read more on Virtual-Strategy Magazine (press release)

Experimental compound reverses Down syndrome-like learning deficits in mice
[rewrite]The scientists caution that use of the compound, a small molecule known as a sonic hedgehog pathway agonist, has not been proven safe to try in people with Down syndrome, but say their experiments hold promise for developing drugs like it. … by the …[/rewrite]
Read more on The Almagest

Sober Living- Help for Drug-Alcohol Addiction

Sober Living- help for drug-alcohol addiction — Sobriety, sober house, recovery, addiction, alcohol abuse,

Free Alcoholism Newsletter! Sign Up
[rewrite]Alcohol and drug use can progress into abuse and even addiction so insidiously that sometimes people do not realize that it has become a problem for them and those around them. The following self-assessment tests can help you determine whether or not …[/rewrite]
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Simply the Best Method to Stop Drinking Alcohol, How to Quit Drinking and Get Help for Alcoholism

Simply The Best Method to Stop Drinking Alcohol, how to quit drinking and get help for alcoholism — Quite simple the best method to stop drinking alcohol, Alcohol abuse video introduces a unique process to quit…

Drug Rehab Milton At the Forefront of Addiction Recovery Treatment
[rewrite]There are few in the field of addiction recovery more knowledgeable than Helen R., one of the addiction and medical professionals who calls Drug Rehab Milton home. Helen has years of experience helping people overcome alcohol addiction and she …[/rewrite]
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Group of West Prairie Parents, Students Hopes to Address Bullying

Group of West Prairie parents, students hopes to address bullying
[rewrite]According to Phelps, Stand Up Tall will soon begin fundraising with the school district to bring in a special program, "Stand Up! Change Teen Statistics," that addresses bullying, cyber bullying and issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, peer pressure …[/rewrite]
Read more on McDonough Voice

Street children: Gender matters
[rewrite]Our discussions about street children become much more interesting when they become more specific: when we talk about working children, street leaders, drug dealers and addicts, or about street girls. When these … They are often exposed to more …[/rewrite]
Read more on Daily News Egypt

What’s the Difference Between Addiction and Disease?

Question by Terry S: What’s the difference between addiction and disease?
[rewrite]Specifically, I’m talking about alcohol and drugs. An alcoholic is said to have a disease. People who have problems with illicit drugs like cocaine, marijuana, heroin, etc, and even legal drugs like pain killers are said to be addicts. What’s the difference? Isn’t alcoholism a form of chemical dependency (addiction). Why is illicit drug dependency not seen as a disease? Is the difference because alcohol is socially acceptable? I submit that an alcoholic is an addict and not necessarily diseased, though liver disease may be present or coming.
Ok! I know that with a disease you have no choice. Since to drink alcohol or not is a choice WHY IS ALCOHOLISM A DISEASE? and drug abuse is not?
I know the reasons for substance abuse, no matter the substance. But WHY IS ALCHOLISM A DISEASE? while drug addiction is not?
Ok, a disease can be treated with medications or surgery. There are medications to help stop smoking and to help stop drinking and to help stop drug abuse. But you don’t answer the question WHY IS ALCOHOL ABUSE A DISEASE WHILE DRUG ABUSE IS NOT? or WHY IS DRUB ABUSE AN ADDICTION AND ALCOHOL ABUSE IS A DISEASE?