What Are the Problems a Family Faces if a Family Member Is Taking Drugs.?
Question by EdenJade: What are the problems a family faces if a family member is taking drugs.?
Please give an scenario about the problems faced,consequences/conflict,prevention,solution,where can go for help.
Best answer:
Answer by theMon
it matters what kind of drugs, how old the person is, and how seriously addicted they are. if someone does weed once a month with their friends, it wont affect the family much. but if someone is setiously into heroin, the person will need a lot of money to buy the heoin in the first place, theyll be very emotionally unstable, and might have to go to rehab. which will shock everyone in the family and make some parents feel guilty and other parents angry. well their are a lot of problems that come from drugs. didnt even mention health and health bills
I Have a Project Due About World News So I Need a Good Website, Can I Have Any?
Question by flip_pinay: I have a project due about world news so I need a good website, can I have any?
I need a website that explain world issues like drug abuse, alcohol abuse, violence,obesity, things like that.
Best answer:
Answer by DawnBT
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How to Help Someone Overcome Addiction (Ask Teal Episode about Helping Others to Overcome Addiction) – Ask Teal Website – http://www.askteal.com Addiction is not about the substance or activity… It is about what the substance or activity covers up. It is abo…
How Do You Explain to Teenagers About Drug Abuse?
Question by kristalchampagne: How do you explain to teenagers about drug abuse?
I am working on a youth programme about drug abuse. There are so many awareness programmes out there and ads that explains about drug abuse. And yet, these messages did not compute in most of these young minds. Were the ads not effective? Are we saying the wrong thing?
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Do You Get Drug Tested During Rehab in NY State if Im a Minor?
Question by Peter Pot Pusher: Do you get drug tested during rehab in NY state if im a minor?
Some how my guidance counselour found out i smoked weed now i have to go to rehab for three months or else alot worse stuff will happen.
My question is will they drug test me throughout this rehab session as living three months would be hell.
Im 17 if it matters
Best answer:
Answer by goz1111
Yes rehab will test you, they will assume the worst about people in the program, they are going to monitor each and everything about you during your rehab,
Is There Any Available Drug Abuse Treatment in St. Paul, Minnesota?
Question by josh: Is there any available drug abuse treatment in St. Paul, Minnesota?
I wonder if there is any available drug abuse treatment for cocaine. I now live in New York but I decided that if I really want to get treated, I want it to be in my hometown which is St. Paul, Minnesota. I’ve been battling this addiction for quite some time now and I guess I just got tired of it so now I want to start all over.
Best answer:
Answer by zander
go into the wild for one year
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How Prevalent Is Hair Testing in Probation/parole Cases?
Question by chazzychef: How prevalent is hair testing in probation/parole cases?
Hair testing for signs of drug/alcohol abuse. I am aware that urinalysis/breath testing is quite common to determine an offender’s history of use/abuse, but is hair testing ever used?
Best answer:
Answer by Nightrider
Currently, hair testing is the most foolproof test, but also the most expensive to administer. It is not used in Ohio for that reason. To the best of my knowledge, there is no plan in effect to bring that on line anytime in the future either. I hope this helps you.