In House Drug Treatment Program in Florida for Juveniles?
Question by charlie12880: In house drug treatment program in florida for juveniles?
14 year old nephew needs drug, anger managment, and grief counsiling. Cant find anywhere for him to go.
Best answer:
Answer by blevins2147
try this they have a afe group of 12-17
maybe they can refer you somewhere if it’s to far
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Alcohol Rehab Detox Call 877-449-1342 Drug Rehab Center in South Florida, Help For Drug Addiction – Free Ebook: ? Drug Rehab Lake Worth, Florida Call 877-449-1…
What Is the Premises and Conclusion in the Statement?
Question by : what is the premises and conclusion in the statement?
Many mental health practitioners are promoting the notion that alcohol abuse, drug abuse, over-eating, gambling, anorexia, bulimia and smoking are diseases. By using the disease model, its proponents believe that people are more apt to seek help because having an “illness” is more acceptable than having psychological or behavior disorder. I am reminded of the effects of saying that people with emotional difficulties were “sick,” and suffering from a “disease.” Psychology and psychiatry moved a long way forward when we listened to Thomas Szasz declare that mental illness was a myth, to Karl Menninger discussing degrees of personality organization, and to Benjamin Rush when he spoke of problems in living. Now it appears we are moving backwards. What will be the next “disease” to appear in the news media?
What Are the Effects on the Community by Drug and Alcohol Abuse?
Question by : What are the effects on the community by Drug and alcohol abuse?
Consider the ways that alcohol and other drug abuse affect the people living in a community.
Best answer:
Answer by HotGurl305
What do you think? Answer below!
More Women Hiding Alcohol, Drug Abuse – More women are turning to self-medicating with alcohol and drugs to help them balance the challenges of work and family.
Drugs, alcohol factors in North Adams violence; police working cases
Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help
What Should Palin’s Son Do About His Addiction to Drugs?
Question by FlcHatrs: What should Palin’s son do about his addiction to drugs?
Sarah’s oldest son, Track, was addicted to the power drug OxyContin for nearly the past two years, snorting it, eating it, smoking it and even injecting it. And as Track, 19, heads to Iraq as part of the U.S. armed forces, Sarah and her husband Todd were powerless to stop his wild antics, detailed in the new issue of The ENQUIRER, which goes on sale today.
Should Palin be home watching out for her family?
Best answer:
Answer by Kerry J
Maybe if he had a MOTHER he wouldn’t have been so mis-directed.