alcohol abuse

Any Suggestions as to How to Find Drug Rehabilitation Centers in Mexia, Texas?

Question by destiny ls: Any suggestions as to how to find drug rehabilitation centers in Mexia, Texas?
I have a friend who idolizes someone who used to do heroin (that person’s dead now). I guess my friend really wanted to know what her idol saw in heroin that she began trying it too, and now she’s hooked. I want to help her, even if it’s just by finding a drug rehab for her. Any suggestions as to how I could convince her to get herself treated too?

Best answer:

How Do I Start a Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center in British Columbia, Canada?

Question by Nadine: How do I start a drug & alcohol treatment center in British Columbia, Canada?
I have my Diploma through CDI College for Addictions/Community Service Worker. I am very interested in opening up my own treatment center. I would like to know if anyone knows the steps to doing this? or if anyone have any information that would help me. Thank you for all the help.

Best answer:

Answer by leonard h
Just go to all the treatment centres in your area, and ask the person in charge there

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

How Does Narcotics Alter Neural Connections in the Brain?

Question by im_your_boss: How does narcotics alter neural connections in the brain?
How does narcotics alter neural connections in the brain?

Best answer:

Answer by Jessie 🙂
this site does a really good job explaining
different drugs effect the brain differently, and this ‘game’ is entertaining and teaches a lot.

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Utah Drug Rehab Center | Utah Drug Rehabilitation | Utah Drug Rehab Center – Utah Drug Rehab Center offers detox, counseling, and more for alcohol, drug, and prescription drug addiction in residential fac…

Penn Foundation Helps Individuals, Families Through Treatment for Mental

Penn Foundation helps individuals, families through treatment for mental

Filed under: drug treatment programs

Penn Foundation helps individuals, families through treatment for mental illness, addiction. Posted: Saturday, 06/08/13 07:27 pm. CONTRIBUTE. Story Ideas; Send Corrections … the Miller family, this was critical to Ryan's recovery and the unification …
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Above It All Treatment Center Helps Drug Addicts who are Type I and Type II

Filed under: drug treatment programs

What Are the Penalties for DUI in Your State?

Question by Markoo: What are the penalties for DUI in your State?

Best answer:

Answer by I am Ringo Starr…three
1st offense maximum 1 year in jail and 1000 dollar fine in Maryland. Dealing with the MVA is another problem…..incompitent beaucracy bullshit

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Alcohol Rehab Centers New Brunswick Call 732-709-4471 For Drug Rehab, Detox NJ – Rehab Centers New Brunswick Call 732-709-4471 For Drug Rehab, Detox NJ. Delray Recovery Center is located in bea…


NPHS Students Learn the Dangers of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Up Close

How Do I Answer These Mental Health Questions When Joining the Marines?

Question by Jacob: How do I answer these mental health questions when joining the Marines?
When I was 15 my parents admitted me to a mental hospital due to behavioral issues, I stayed at this hospital for two days with no mental diagnosis. My predicament now is that i’m trying to join the marines and I am worried that that would show up at meps, should I lie about this ordeal and hope they don’t see this on my record or should I tell the truth and hope they do not deny me. Any insight would help thanks.
These are the questions I have to answer honestly,
1.Seen a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, counselor or other professional for any reason (inpatient or outpatient) including counseling or treatment for school, adjustment, family, marriage or any other problem, to include depression, or treatment for alcohol, drug or substance abuse
2.Any illnesses, surgery, or hospitalization not listed above