alcohol abuse

Can Someone Tell Me How I’m Going to Search for Addiction Treatment Centers in La Jolla, California?

Question by celia w: Can someone tell me how I’m going to search for addiction treatment centers in La Jolla, California?
My mom lives there. I have just recently gotten word from my sister that she’s gotten involved in drugs. I think this is because of the fact that my father lives far away from us and has just abandoned us recently. That really crushed my mom. I hate knowing that this is happening to her. My sister is asking for my help in searching for addiction treatment centers. How will I do this?

Best answer:

What Are Some Ways to Help Another Overcome an Addiction?

Question by Enjoy It.: What are some ways to help another overcome an addiction?
I would really like to help somebody to overcome a drug addiction. Though she is so far in, im not quite sure where to start.

So do you have any tips for helping somebody to do so, please?

*Hugs to you all :)*

Best answer:

YOUTH FIRST: Family Checkup May Yield Fruitful Car Talks

YOUTH FIRST: Family Checkup may yield fruitful car talks

Filed under: online drug abuse help

If you're the parent of a teen and wondering how well you're doing, try taking the “Family Checkup,” an online tool developed by the Child and Family Center at the University of Oregon ( The “Family Checkup” poses …
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Pierre police use drug dog at schools

Filed under: online drug abuse help

Who Has Ideas on What to Teach Elementary School Students to Teach Them Substance Abuse Prevention?

Question by : Who has ideas on what to teach elementary school students to teach them substance abuse prevention?
I am in a group that teaches students about the consequences of drug use, what are some games or fun activities we could play with them to help them understand the message we are teaching?
( grades K-4)

Best answer:

Answer by Ryan
I don’t really have any ideas but what person in those grades would even think about doing drugs?

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Does Anyone Know of a Drug Rehabilitation Center That Will Take a Family With Medicaid?

Question by Deidra Y: Does anyone know of a drug rehabilitation center that will take a family with medicaid?
I work at a drug rehab and I had a call just now from a man that wants him and his wife to go into recovery and bring their children. They have medicaid. They are from Texas. Any advice ASAP will be great … thank you!

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What Is the Best Way to Mend Relationships With Old Friends and an Ex?

Question by 11b: What is the best way to mend relationships with old friends and an ex?
Due to alcohol/drug abuse, I have lost many friends, plus an ex i dearly care about. Any ideas on the best way to mend relationships?

Best answer:

Answer by ?
First be at peace with yourself………then apologize if you have done a mistake and tell them that you want to renew your friendship.

What do you think? Answer below!



Substance Abuse Training: PowerPoint, DVD, or Web Course for Training on Substance Abuse – – Substance abuse training for employee or supervisors must cover key concepts. T…