Amy Winehouse Drug and Alcohol Awareness Programme for Lincolnshire Schools
Amy Winehouse drug and alcohol awareness programme for Lincolnshire schools
[rewrite]The Foundation is teaming up with Lincoln-based Addaction – specialists in dealing with the dual problem – to give teenagers a hard-edged insight into the alcohol and drug abuse culture. The project is based on two strands of work piloted by the two …[/rewrite]
Read more on Lincolnshire Echo
Duke becomes affiliated with first substance abuse recovery center
[rewrite]Located a few blocks off of Duke's East Campus, the center provides housing and support for students who are recovering from alcohol or drug addiction, while allowing them to remain enrolled in classes. Bluefield is currently working with both Duke and …[/rewrite]
Read more on Duke Chronicle
20 Reasons to Travel in Your 20s, as Explained by GIFs
20 Reasons To Travel In Your 20s, As Explained By GIFs
[rewrite]If you've heard you should travel while you're young, it's because the time to see the world is in your 20s. They're a time where you can take advantage of your youth, soak up new experiences and take off on spontaneous adventures. Your 20s are one of …[/rewrite]
Read more on Huffington Post Canada
Addiction Recovery – Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Resources — Addiction Recovery – Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Resources Imagine a parent playing out the whole ‘you treat this place like a hotel’ routine with a tee…
One in Five Veterans Who Served in Iraq and Afghanistan Have Turned to Drink …
One in five veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan have turned to drink …
[rewrite]Some veterans struggle for years with crippling symptoms including flashbacks, nightmares, depression and anxiety attacks. Many fall into chronic alcohol and drug abuse, homelessness and crime. Peter Poole, deputy chief executive of Combat Stress, said …[/rewrite]
Read more on Daily Mail
Ontario has abandoned frail and elderly, says report
[rewrite]Hurley said the problem with the strategy is that home-care services have not been allocated the resources to keep up with the growing influx of new patients. According to Ontario's auditor general, funding per capita … In one story, a respondent …[/rewrite]
Drug Addiction Treatment – Emily Testimonial
Drug Addiction Treatment – Emily Testimonial — This video details the experience of Emily at the Drug Addiction Treatment Program at Sovereign Health…
Narconon Rehab Called a Scientology Come-on
[rewrite]Cathy Tarr claims she borrowed money to pay $ 33,000 for Narconon's treatment for her 24-year-old son, "who was struggling with a heroin addiction." She says she found a 1-800 number on the Internet, and "an … The complaint continues: "Mr. Penn …[/rewrite]
Read more on Courthouse News Service
Doctor Refused to Prescribe My Father Pain Meds Because He Smokes Pot?
Question by hannah: Doctor refused to prescribe my father pain meds because he smokes pot?
[rewrite]My father has split discs in his back along with severe arthritis. He walks bent over half the time because he is in so much pain. That being said, he is also an alcoholic and has been to rehab a few times throughout his life for alcohol and drug abuse. He does double or sometimes even triple his prescription. He says it’s because he needs more to get through the pain. I don’t want to say he’s not in a severe amount of pain every day, because I know he is – but I also know that he likes getting high too. So anyway he went to a new doctor a few weeks ago and was honest and said that he smokes pot once or twice a week – and she was very judgmental about it, sort of rightfully so since he has issues with addiction. He went back today per her request and she told him that she would not prescribe him any pain medication because he smokes marijuana. I do understand where she is coming from – she thinks he is abusing the drugs, which he does sometimes. My question is what can he do? It is a double edged sword because he is an addict but also does suffer from excruciating pain daily.. I am 21 years old and just don’t want to see my 52 year old father in so much pain. We live in NY. I dont know if there are any non addictive pain medications or … maybe some kind of physical therapy or …. ?????
He is on medicaid – there are only certain doctors he can go to – and this is his 2nd doctor. His other doctor refused further treatment because my dad couldn’t afford his copays. He is on disability.
slipped discs** not split, oops.
MellowTones – thanks – yes, my dad could be lying to me – but I did research a little and there are a lot of people who say they are going through the same thing – their doctors stop prescribing them pain meds because they admit to smoking pot. I would completely understand if the doctor stopped treatment because they feared he was abusing the pain meds – but it just baffles me (if it’s true) that a doctor would actually stop prescribing pain medication because the patient smokes marijuana. Surely and legitimate doctor realizes that marijuana is pretty much medically harmless…. and actually is beneficial for his pain.
Program Helps Montana Nurses Battling Prescription Drug Abuse
Program helps Montana nurses battling prescription drug abuse
[rewrite]HELENA – Prescription drug abuse in Montana affects all walks of life, including medical professionals. But more and more nurses are getting help through the Montana Nurses Assistance Program. "There are addicts in the world, and it goes out to all …[/rewrite]
Read more on KTVQ Billings News
Program helps MT nurses battling prescription drug abuse
[rewrite]HELENA – Prescription drug abuse in Montana affects all walks of life – including medical professionals. But more and more nurses are getting help through the Montana Nurses Assistance Program. Prescription pill addiction is a growing problem in …[/rewrite]
Read more on KPAX-TV