alcohol and drug abuse

Alcohol Abuse??? ?

Question by iRock: alcohol abuse??? ?
[rewrite]what signs should parents, teachers, and peers look for in a person who may be abusing a substance?


Best answer:

Answer by ?Niki
Here’s a list of signs and symptoms that you can look for in people that are using drugs. You can also substitute alcohol in most situations. =)

Trying to Help My Angry Alcoholic Drug Abusing Sister. PLEASE HELP.?

Question by : trying to help my angry alcoholic drug abusing sister. PLEASE HELP.?
[rewrite]my 18 year old sister is a severe alcoholic. i know she uses drugs, but i am not sure of what kind and how often. she is living with her boyfriend who has been to many different rehabs across the country and either gets kicked out or just leaves the program. he was addicted to intravenous heroin and alcohol. and is exceedingly wealthy and pays for all the drugs and alcohol, he is an ultimate enabler. he tells her that i am a liar and that i am trying to control her life by trying to help her, and that i am really not trying to help her at all. they hang out with two guys that the boyfriend met in rehab who have relapsed. my sister just got out of jail for putting a ciggarette out on her boyfriends neck and for punching him repeatedly in the face resulting in a black eye. someone that was in the house called the cops on them, and the boyfriend wouldnt press charges. i tried to pick her up from the jail and the boyfriend lied to me about what time she was getting out so i couldnt. i was going to try to have an “informal intervention” with her. i am at a loss. she was completely un phased by this experience, and is always un phased by the catastrophes that come from her addiction. i just recently found out that she was date raped by an acquaintance who house she was couch surfing at awhile ago, and my mother says that she fears that, that wasnt the first time she was date raped. she is showing signs of jaundice and is sick alot of the time. she can not control herself. this time it was a cigarette but maybe next time it will be a knife, and i am terrified and feel nauseous and overwhelmed from trying to help her. she has been stealing money from me and i just dont know what to do! i have been searching online for hours trying to think of something.
she is also the most avoident person there is. please any advice will greatly help!

Addiction Alcohol and Treatment Center | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facilities

Addiction Alcohol and Treatment Center | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facilities — Addiction Alcohol and Treatment Center addresses use of alcohol, cocaine, prescription drugs, heroin, & more with r…

Medical marijuana measure on ballot
[rewrite]“But, having seen the terrible effects of alcohol and drug abuse first-hand, I cannot endorse sending Florida down this path and I would personally vote against it. … Fay said, referring to the Florida Medical Association's opposition to the …[/rewrite]
Read more on Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Vermont Gets $10M Grant for Drug Treatment

Vermont gets M grant for drug treatment
[rewrite]Peter Shumlin and Health Commissioner Harry Chen announced Friday that Vermont will get a $ 10 million federal grant to expand early intervention and treatment programs for young adults at risk of alcohol and drug abuse. The grant will fund a five-year …[/rewrite]
Read more on Rutland Herald

Grant to help Willacy tackle drugabuse problem
[rewrite]Since taking the job in September, Tristan has walked the streets of Willacy County, knocking on doors and visiting schools to learn that the area's biggest drug problem stems from elderly residents' sale of prescription drugs to children. So far, she …[/rewrite]
Read more on Valley morning Star

Relationship After Drug/alcohol Abuse?

Question by hopelesslydevoted: relationship after drug/alcohol abuse?
[rewrite]My boyfriend of almost 2 years began showing signs of a drinking problem about 6 months ago. He was arrested while drunk for disorderly conduct. After that, he stopped drinking so much, but began again during a visit with his family. He then really kicked his butt out of drinking. However, I recently found out that he traded his alcohol addiction for a meth addiction. He is now in jail after failing a drug test at a hospital b/c he was having feelings of paranoia and anxiety and thought it was a psychological problem–it’s not, it was part of his drug abuse. I’d love some advice on how to move on with my life. We had plans to get married, and I’m just crushed to know of all the lies and deceit that took over this relationship. I still care for him and want to help him but know I NEED to move on with my life without him. Any advice or suggestions of where to seek advice would be much appreciated.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Awareness and Prevention

Alcohol and drug abuse Awareness and Prevention — Children and the youth need information, knowledge and facts so as to stay safe from substance abuse and other negative risky behaviors. This program seeks t…

Column: Army and Alcohol Shouldn't Be Together on Television
[rewrite]According to a recent study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, 27 percent of Iraq veterans met the criteria for alcohol abuse and were therefore at higher risk for drunken driving and illicit drug use. The NIH also reported that alcohol …[/rewrite]
Read more on Valley News