child abuse

Do Drug Hotlines Turn You in to the Police?

Question by Jake D: Do drug hotlines turn you in to the police?
I am 17, and I have an addiction to cocaine. I am starting to crash really really hard right now, and I want to get help. I really do. I am afraid if I call a drug abuse hotline they will turn me in. I can’t have that. I don’t want to go to jail. And I want to have the number blocked, I do not want the police knocking on my door. Can I have an anonymous call?

Best answer:

Answer by JJ
block your number. *67

Drug Abuse Problem at Work Management Does Nothing?

Question by Risk D: Drug Abuse problem at work Management does nothing?
I work at a place with huge Drug Abuse problem. People walk out of the elevator smelling like weed. People come back from lunch obviously high and messed up. The top management knows about it and does nothing, They treat it like Joke. People are told I want you to come back way you left in a joking manner . What are my options here is there a some government agency I can go to report this problem to?

Best answer:

Would You Call the Child Abuse Hotline on a Friend?

Question by Pregnant with Baby #2: Would you call the child abuse hotline on a friend?
I just got the child abuse hotline and now I’m really regreting it. My friend from highschool got drunk last night, took xanax (maybe mispelled, but it is a prescription drug that really makes you loopy) and drove for over an hour with her two year old in the car. She works over nights and sleeps all day while he wonders around the house alone. She leaves him alone in the bathtub while she goes outside and smokes and talks with her friends. I was honestly just worried about her son, but now I feel so ashamed. I tell my husband everything, and I’m too ashamed to tell him even this. The lady on the phone said that she couldn’t do anything unless the child had been injured already, which blows because I wanted to prevent an injury. She is a good friend, but she is a horrible mom. Her son has asthma and heart problems and she still smokes around him. He is two and doesn’t say even 1 word because noone ever talks to him. I am so sad for him, but now I feel terrible.
The child abuse hotline said they could investigate, but they really couldn’t do much unless the child had already been injured. My friend is also on parole, and I could call her officer, but I feel that would be wrong. I fear for this child’s life if he stays with her. I have tried giving her advise, but she is kinda slow. I really just don’t want to talk to her anymore because it bothers me so bad. I bring her son gifts and milk when she runs out. When she calls for help, I can’t say no to her child. She is doing drugs, so if I called her officer they would do a test and she would go to jail. The child would be better off with a grandparent (she comes from a good family, we were neighbors growing up), but I don’t think I could send my friend to jail.

Mother Charged With Child Abuse After Baby Shows Signs of Drug Withdrawal SIX

Mother charged with child abuse after baby shows signs of drug withdrawal SIX

Filed under: signs of drug addiction

A young mother has been charged with child abuse after giving birth to a drug-addicted son who was wracked with withdrawal pains when he was just six hours old. Summit County authorities charged Shea Renee Sheeran, 27, from Utah, on Friday, with two …
Read more on Daily Mail


Heroin highly addictive drug

Filed under: signs of drug addiction

Will a Person Convicted on His Second Felony Be Sent to Prison?

Question by lorkell: Will a person convicted on his second felony be sent to prison?
What are the laws for ny state for felony on drug possession and so forth? and why doesn’t the system provide a better and manditory drug rehab for convicted felons instead of just throwing them away? we, the tax payers have to pay for them to sit in prison, why not put our money into trying to correct the problem? Prison makes the problem worse!

Best answer:

What Do Social Workers Actually Do?

Question by Mz Lopez: What do social workers actually do?
I wanna go to school for psychology but I wanna work more along troubled teenagers or people in need of help like a social worker I guess. not giving medicine.

Best answer:

Answer by Saadia
The investigate cases of child abuse and/or neglect.

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