Drug Rehab Centers of Las Vegas, Nevada?
Question by :]: Drug rehab centers of Las Vegas, Nevada?
I need to know a drug rehab center in Las Vegas, and I want to know how much it costs, what type of treatment they use and how long the program is. Thank you :]
Best answer:
Answer by lonely life
Las Vegas Recovery Center – www.lasvegasrecovery.com – (702) 515-1373
Drug Rehab Treatment Center – drugrehabtreatmentcenter.r8k.net – (702) 789-0841
Addiction Medicine – www.addictionhelp.com – (702) 873-7800
Summerlin Center for Drug Treatment – nv.local.yahoo.biz – (702) 939-0579
Spring Mountain Treatment Center – www.springmountaintreatmentcenter.com – (702) 873-2400
Should Drug Addicts Be Charged for Murder if Their Child Is Stillborn?
Question by Miss Verlaine: Should drug addicts be charged for murder if their child is stillborn?
In South Carolina, a woman was sentenced to 12 years in prision for homicide by child abuse.
–homeless drug addict with IQ of 72
–was using cocaine at 8.5 months
–addicted to cocaine, and no drug-treatment options available to her
Please consider both sides before answering….what do you think? What are your reasons?
Assume that yes, it was the cocaine that lead to the death of the fetus
I hate throwing in my opinion, because I don’t want to bias the answers….but think about it
Does Anyone Know of a Good, Valid Porn Addiction Hotline?
Question by Lady Tron: Does anyone know of a good, valid porn addiction hotline?
My husband is struggling and it is hurting our marriage. He yells and curses at me and the kids when his “alone time” is interrupted in the morning.
I’ve looked at sites online but they are either pay a fee for counseling lines or fake sites with porn on them. Getting frustrated. Does anyone know a real free help hot-line for porn addiction, and the families suffering from repercussions of a loved one’s addiction?
Best answer:
I Have to Do a Speech on Child Abuse. Could Someone Please Check It and Say if It’s Okay? :)?
Question by : I have to do a speech on child abuse. Could someone please check it and say if it’s okay? :)?
Try to put yourselves in the shoes of children who are constantly being abused. Imagine being beaten, neglected or even sexually assaulted by the people who gave birth to you. Child abuse is one of the most tragic problems faced by children. Worldwide an estimated 40 million children under the age of 15 are subject to child abuse. The term child abuse can be defined as intentional use of physical force or intentional omission of care by a parent or guardian that causes a child to be hurt, maimed or even killed. This maltreatment can be classified in 3 different categories, physical abuse, sexual molestation and neglect.
Virginia Custody Question?
Question by DrSasha: Virginia Custody Question?
I have sole custody of our six children. My ex husband doesn’t like paying child support and wants joint custody. For a numerous reasons, this is NOT what’s best for our children, ages 4-12. I have no record, abuse, alcohol, or drug issues. What are his chances if it goes to court?
I still encourage frequent visitation with their dad. He has never been an active parent and I have been the primary caregiver for 12 years. The instability in insecurities arising are negatively impacting the children.
What Does a Substance Abuse Evaluation Consist of for Marijuana?
Question by : What does a substance abuse evaluation consist of for marijuana?
I live in the state of Massachusetts and I am court ordered to take a substance abuse evaluation for marijuana. What does this process consist of?
Best answer:
Answer by i’m the freshest
you will be asked the reason for the evaluation, as well as:
age you first used
length of time you used
amount typically used
how often you use each month / week / day:
alcohol, marijuana, other illegal drugs, prescription drugs, and OTC medications.
as well as any arrests or substance abuse treatment.