Do You Think That Parents Should Take the Lead Roll in Subjects Like Sex and Drugs Instead of the School?
Question by Sophia’s Mommy: Do you think that parents should take the lead roll in subjects like sex and drugs instead of the school?
The schools in my area Have Sex Ed, DARE(Drug abuse resistance education) and GREAT (Gang resistance education and training)…I think these classes give parents an easy way out and put more pressure on the Schools.
Don’t you think it’s the Parents job to teach and inform kids about Sex and drugs instead being told by uninformed peers or watered down sex classes?
Best answer:
Answer by erics love
i think both should but parents should make the first approach*
How to Write a Parody With a Satirical Point?
Question by Alejandra: How to write a parody with a satirical point?
I need to write a parody with a satirical point on Patrick Henry’s speech at the Virginia Convention by using the slogan “Give me ____ or give me death” which I have to fill in. But, I have no clue on what to write nor do I understand the prompt. Any ideas?
Best answer:
Answer by R2000
Give me sex, drugs and rock n roll, or give me death
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