daily caller

An Uncle of Mine Has Always Been Addicted to Cocaine. How Can I Step in This Situation?

Question by justinmartin26: An uncle of mine has always been addicted to cocaine. How can I step in this situation?
An uncle of mine has always been addicted to cocaine. How can I step in this situation? I work in Daytona Beach, Florida. Which city or town or cooperative or private companies would help me make a difference?

Best answer:

Answer by Brad Mills
You can easily find drug rehab centers in your region. Use the source sites specializing in your state. Look into free advice on how to intervene. Best wishes.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Does Anyone Know of a Drug Rehab Center in Kitts Hill, Ohio?

Question by Allison: Does anyone know of a drug rehab center in Kitts Hill, Ohio?
Hello! I’m Allison. I’m looking for a drug rehab center for my boyfriend. He has a problem with beanies – before I thought he was cheating on me but then I discovered that he’s just into drugs. I know I should have left him months ago but I just can’t – I love him, what can I do? Now I’m looking for a drug rehab center, preferably in Kitts Hill, Ohio, because he agreed to enter. Help us, will you? Thanks.

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How Prevalent Is Hair Testing in Probation/parole Cases?

Question by chazzychef: How prevalent is hair testing in probation/parole cases?
Hair testing for signs of drug/alcohol abuse. I am aware that urinalysis/breath testing is quite common to determine an offender’s history of use/abuse, but is hair testing ever used?

Best answer:

Answer by Nightrider
Currently, hair testing is the most foolproof test, but also the most expensive to administer. It is not used in Ohio for that reason. To the best of my knowledge, there is no plan in effect to bring that on line anytime in the future either. I hope this helps you.

Why Isn’t There Much Information\ Awareness of Eating Disorders in the Philippines?

Question by [ cupcake ]: why isn’t there much information\ awareness of eating disorders in the Philippines?
I’m doing a report on eating disorders but there is like no info on the net about Philippines statistics. Does anyone know a site or explain why there isn’t much about it?

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Colorado town considers licensing bounty hunters to shoot down drones

Filed under: drug treatment program statistics

What’s Going to Happen to Him?

Question by .x.X._Cay_.X.x.: what’s going to happen to him?
so one of my friends got caught on july 31st with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia-both class c misdemeanors. He is only 17 and he got caught in illinois. High school hasn’t even started. I was just wondering if he will be able to go to high school this year, or will he be going to a juvenile detention center(juvie) What are your thoughts?

Best answer:

Answer by Chrys
my thought is…we all don’t live in IL…don’t know the laws…the judge and what the judge is gonna do that day…

What Is Your Definition of a “hero”? Is There Anyone in Particular You Consider to Be a Hero?

Question by Catherine: What is your definition of a “hero”? Is there anyone in particular you consider to be a hero?
We live in a world where you see celebrities and sports stars being paid millions and then going and getting into random drug and sex scandals and making us all step back and rethink the way we see these people.

So I’m just curious to see who you see as someone you want to look up to, your “hero”, or just what you think a hero is.

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