I Want to Find a Florida Drug Rehab. How Do I Do This?
Question by andria d: I want to find a Florida drug rehab. How do I do this?
I really need to get my dad in a drug rehab. He’s been more violent lately and this has just got to stop.
Best answer:
Answer by dara a
Check out the links below. They’ll be a big help. 🙂
You can also ask around at the nearest hospital. The doctors or nurses there can provide you with recommendations. I hope your father recovers soon. It’s always tough having a drug addict in the family. Just hold on and stay strong. 🙂
Looking for Help for My Drug Addict?
Question by dkcasad: Looking for Help for my Drug Addict?
I have a son who has struggled with drug addiction, choice of drug is/was oxycontin. He is now in jail after some very poor choices and will be spending time in prison. He is 24. I am in Indiana and am looking for an organization that might be able to help me at his sentencing with information on these evil prescription drugs and what they are doing to our children. My son did not commit the crime, my drugged out son did. He once was a star basketball player and a 3.0 student. Please only serious inquires that want to help or have information that can connect me with the right people.
correction- I meant serious responses not serious inquires, typo.
What Should Palin’s Son Do About His Addiction to Drugs?
Question by FlcHatrs: What should Palin’s son do about his addiction to drugs?
Sarah’s oldest son, Track, was addicted to the power drug OxyContin for nearly the past two years, snorting it, eating it, smoking it and even injecting it. And as Track, 19, heads to Iraq as part of the U.S. armed forces, Sarah and her husband Todd were powerless to stop his wild antics, detailed in the new issue of The ENQUIRER, which goes on sale today.
Should Palin be home watching out for her family?
Best answer:
Answer by Kerry J
Maybe if he had a MOTHER he wouldn’t have been so mis-directed.
What Is More Expensive,Death Penalty or Life in Prison Here in California?
Question by Alejandro: What is more expensive,death penalty or life in prison here in California?
What is more expensive,death penalty or life in prison here in California?
Best answer:
Answer by nick
death cause death u never get out unless u work something ca it depends wat is it
Give your answer to this question below!
California Drug Rehab Centers- Group Therapy in Drug and Alcohol Rehab – Miramar drug and alcohol treatment center (888) 363-8721. http://www.miramarlagunabeach.com/drug-rehab/california_drug_rehab Group therapy in a drug and alco…
Why Are People So Quick to Criticize Mitt Romney Because of His Wealth but Not Obama’s?
Question by Garrett Perez: Why are people so quick to criticize Mitt Romney because of his wealth but not Obama’s?
Cause Obama is rich and there are a lot of rich democrts out there like John Kerry and Hollywood actors or singers. This is straight up hypocrisy. So Romney is rich, it’s because he is a successful business man. At least he didn’t steal people’s money. Democrats are so quick to judge Mitt Romney and rich republicans but not rich democrats. Obama is rich to why aren’t people criticizing him? Why judge him at something he is successful at?
Please Help! Where Do I Seek a Rehabilitation Center for Drug Abuse That Is Decent?
Question by dbelsila: Please help! Where do I seek a rehabilitation center for drug abuse that is decent?
My [foster] son in an abuser of crack cocaine. He has been “clean” for a while, but having trouble and really wants to use. I need to find a facility for him to go to to start rehab. Everything around me is like a 3 month waiting list! Anyone know how I can find help immediately? Some referral or some facility in Central Illinois. I’m willing to travel. I have looked on line and called tons of places. They have a waiting list. He is 19 with no insurance or job. Please please please help. We are desparate. I will even go to Wisconsin, Indiana, or Missouri. Please please please. We tried one facility, but it was awful. They actually were doing drugs right in the facility during the “class time”. Any suggestions for help? We have tried NA, it was a joke .. at least in my area. I don’t know how to find anything else. Any info would be helpful.