What Causes Psychosis and What Is the Treatment?
Question by Danzel: what causes psychosis and what is the treatment?
[rewrite]please explain carefully and in detail
Best answer:
Answer by CastSam
When my grandma was in the hospital they said she had psychosis, due to not enough sunlight, not being out side. Treatments, hmm, probably go outside, and just in general relax, and talk to people.
Marijuana Withdrawal or Depression?
Question by Dirty Numb Angel Girl: Marijuana withdrawal or depression?
[rewrite]Hey all,
I have been feeling upset the whole of this week, confused and lost like I can’t cope with the world outside. I have been bursting into tears for no reason throughout the day and have been losing my temper a lot too. I have began to feel very anxious for example if I see two people laughing in the street I feel like they must be laughing at my expense or at me. I feel like I just want to be alone or sleep for months on end just so I don’t have to think anymore.
I’m not sure if this is because I have a history of bouts of depression or because I have been smoking marijuana heavily for the past 2 years and now have cut down a hell of a lot?
How can I know which one it is?
Can Alcohol Trigger an Anxiety Attack?
Question by Igotquestions: Can alcohol trigger an anxiety attack?
[rewrite]I recently started having really bad anxiety attacks and I noticed even if I have a little bit of alcohol,my heart will start to beat fast and i’ll experience some light headedness and I wont be able to focus.I’ve never had this problem before(im not much of a drinker)so im just curious to know if its due to this anxiety and if so,is there anyway to prevent it?
I believe it MIGHT be because of ingredients in the drink but i’ve questioned that theory because i’ve never had this problem before.Im not looking to use alcohol as a way to “help” my anxiety but I just want to be able to have a drink every now and then with friends like I use to.
Thomas Kingsley Brown – Ibogaine-Assisted Treatment for Opiate Addiction
Thomas Kingsley Brown – Ibogaine-Assisted Treatment for Opiate Addiction — Help us caption and translate this video on Amara.org: http://www.amara.org/en/v/Bp7B/ Thomas Kingsley Brown, Ph.D., speaks about ibogaine-assisted treatment…
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