Drug Addiction (PLEASE HELP)?
Question by : Drug Addiction (PLEASE HELP)?
[rewrite]A little background:
My sister-in-law has been battling bulimia and a meth addiction for over 8 years. She has been in at least 3 different rehabs throughout this time and nothing has worked and/or she hasn’t taken it serious. She married her drug dealer and had a baby with him. There is a ton more information on this but I don’t want to go into extreme details on that part.
Addiction Hotline — Drug Abuse Hotline for Parents
Addiction Hotline — Drug Abuse Hotline for Parents — The Addiction Hotline was created to help Parents, Teens, Husbands and Wives, Friends or Family get help anytime day or night with one easy to use phone numb…
Experts: No family immune to ravages of drug addiction
[rewrite]The message, from the officials slogging away to deliver it, is the same: Addiction is a problem that touches all of society, either indirectly or directly. … She said addiction is a powerful brain disease, and one that addicts need help and support …[/rewrite]
Read more on Indiana Gazette
Christopher Walsh, Husband of High Profile Child Therapist, Jailed for Battery
Christopher Walsh, Husband Of High Profile Child Therapist, Jailed For Battery
[rewrite]Christopher Walsh is a co-owner and founder, with his wife, of “Inspirations,” a teen rehab center in Fort Lauderdale. Ironically, the center treats alcohol and drug addictions. The CEO of the facility is Dr. James Hughes who, according to the police …[/rewrite]
Read more on BocaNewsNow.com
Panel studies options for Suffolk drug treatment facilities
[rewrite]The legislator said that due to limited space at existing treatment centers, people are often sent off Long Island and away from their families and support systems to places that have room for them. She said individuals should be able to find treatment …[/rewrite]
Read more on NorthShoreOfLongIsland.com
Drugs Rehab Center, Addiction Treatment Centers,PPO HEALTH INSURANCE
Drugs Rehab Center, Addiction Treatment Centers,PPO HEALTH INSURANCE — Alcohol Rehab Center Call (855) 781-1678 all US states apply. Alcohol Rehab Center We fly people to our locations. (Including Alaska and HI) alcohol or drug …
Related Free Drug Addiction Treatment Information…
US Drug Agent: New Synthetics Are Emerging in Asia
US drug agent: New synthetics are emerging in Asia
[rewrite]Reagan spoke Tuesday while attending a regional drug enforcement conference in Manila. He says the United States has a significant problem with synthetic drugs, which have also been found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.[/rewrite]
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Student faces Facebook page probe
[rewrite]Methadone is used as a pain reliever in drug-addiction detoxification and maintenance programmes. Speaking ….. Its members consist of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam.[/rewrite]
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What Is the Difference Between HIV and AIDS?
Question by senette: What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
[rewrite]My brother was complaining about a pain in his ear.After running some tests.It turns out,he is HIV positive.Do you think he already has AIDS?
Lat week he had fever ,headache and fatigue,what does it mean?
What can I do to help him.He does not want to talk about it.Where can I find some information?Thanks a lot
Best answer:
Answer by Steve B
basically same thing……hiv causes aids…………….can have hic w/o active illness,ie,magic johnson…………..