drug test

Drug Testing for Welfare Users Passes Legislative Hurdle in Virginia

Drug testing for welfare users passes legislative hurdle in Virginia

Filed under: Drug Treatment Virginia Beach

If there's welfare recipients using, we can help them with their addiction," said Sen. Frank Wagner, R-Virginia Beach, who sits on the Finance Committee. "You're hoping welfare payments are going to support families and not to purchase narcotics." Gov.
Read more on Washington Examiner


Virginia Senate rejects welfare drug-testing

Filed under: Drug Treatment Virginia Beach

How to Become an Addiction Counselor With Prior Felony?

Question by ?grundle goat?: How to Become an Addiction Counselor with prior Felony?
my girlfriend was convicted for possession of meth 7 years ago. she did some time in prison and finished a 2 year treatment program for substance abuse. she has been clean and sober now over 6 years and currently works as a residential technician at a treatment facility. she very much wants to go back to school and become a certified counselor specializing in addiction issues. she has turned her life completely around and wants to invest all of her time and knowledge into helping other addicts find recovery. what are the steps she should take to become a drug and alcohol counselor? is there a specific course outline to become one?
thanks in advance.

Is There a Drug Rehab Center in Cherry Valley, Arkansas?

Question by jared: Is there a drug rehab center in Cherry Valley, Arkansas?
Hi I’m Jared and I’m a law student. I just want to know if there really is a drug rehab center somewhere in Cherry Valley, Arkansas. We have this project and we have to investigate on this certain person who is supposedly hiding in a drug rehab center. This is very important to me. Any form of help will be appreciated. Thanks.

Best answer:

What Are a Parents Rights vs. NV CPS if One Parent Passes Drug Test , and the Other Passes Only Hair Test?

Question by Krista: What are a parents rights vs. NV CPS if one parent passes drug test , and the other passes only hair test?
CPS took my friends child from his grandparents, whom he was visiting in another state, and when he was returned to his parents in NV, CPS came and took him again. His parents were ordered to test for drug abuse, one parent passed, the other passed the hair but not the urine test. What are their rights, and what happens now, can the clean parent obtain custody?

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Are African American Generally Violent and Aggressive Law Breakers?

Question by Dewey: Are African American generally violent and aggressive law breakers?
The National Institute of Drug Abuse estimated that while 12 percent of drug users are black, they make up nearly 50 percent of all drug possession arrests in the U.S.

If this is true then at least 50% of black here in Y!! Boxing is drug user and pushers just like their idol mayweather family! Can you name some of them?


Best answer:

Answer by I CHOOSE YOU
well not all, every race have a fair share of criminal.

How Come People on Government Assistance Are Not Subject to a Drug Test Before and While Receiving Benefits?

Question by FAITH: How come people on government assistance are not subject to a drug test before and while receiving benefits?
Our tax dollars are paying for a lot of people’s drug addictions. I know here in California, most people on welfare are also on some type of drug abuse. They will take the General Relief money and Food Stamps and feed their drug habit instead of the kids. I believe they should all be subject to drug testing to receive benefits from our tax money and continue with unannounced drug testing to continue to receive payments. We the tax payers have a right to where the money is going.