food addiction

Cycle of Emotional Eating

Cycle of Emotional Eating — The Cycle of Emotional Eating When we understand the cycle at a deep level, the cycle starts to have less power over us. We love to give names to each stage,…

Digest: Get outside and walk; Help with food addiction
[rewrite]Digest: Get outside and walk; Help with food addiction 1 comment. Find help for your food addiction. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays at Advent Lutheran Church in Morgan Hill. Details: Bonnie at (408) 337-5136.[/rewrite]
Read more on Morgan Hill Times

If Food Addiction Can Cause Diabetes and Hypertension and Death, Why Isn’t Food an Illegal Drug?

Question by Legalize Prostitution and Drugs!: If food addiction can cause diabetes and hypertension and death, why isn’t food an illegal drug?
[rewrite]Marijuana, Ecstacy and Acid don’t cause all that 😀

Best answer:

Answer by mandy?
I know… it’s ridiculous. Soda is a hell of a lot more addicting than marijuana is.

Answer by MARYBEE
because food is necessary for life
acid can cause severe mental problems and ruin your life
extasy can kill you more quickly than food can
and pot is bad for you lungs if smoking it b/c of the tar


Why Did They Make Cigarette Commercails Illegal and Drug Commercials Aren’t? and Also Washington DC …..?

Question by Dynodikk: Why did they make cigarette commercails illegal and drug commercials aren’t? And also Washington DC …..?
[rewrite]is talking about how we are the fattest nation in the world but Mcdonald’s commercials that infleunce are children are just fine. Hey food is a detrimental addiction like everything else and as far as putting a human body backwards and unhealthy just like alcoholism, why isn’t it consdiered a disease like every other addicition. It is more acceptable to be a drug addict than be fat. Is this true?
OMG, I see the mispells now, please don’t correct me, I wrote all that in 30 seconds.

Emotional Eating: 24×7 Self-Acceptance

Emotional Eating: 24×7 Self-Acceptance
[rewrite]Working on yet another book on mindful eating, another one in the Jumpstart series, this time on mindful emotional eating, currently on the chapter devoted to nighttime emotional eating, not on how to eliminate it but on how to make it mindful – a …[/rewrite]
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Beyond Overeating Small Group Workshop to Resume
[rewrite]The group assists those who struggle with compulsive/emotional eating and binge eating disorder. Participants gain insights about the function of food in their lives and learn research-based skills to help them better cope and thrive. Incorporating …[/rewrite]
Read more on Noozhawk

Philip Seymour Hoffman and the Reality of Addiction

Philip Seymour Hoffman And The Reality Of Addiction
[rewrite]Sex addiction. Food addiction and addiction to sugar. Addiction to technology and the internet. There are no safe addictions. There is no cure-all for addiction. It is facing the reality that something has a hold of you and admitting you have a problem …[/rewrite]
Read more on WebProNews

Sugar, the Epidemic AddictionFood Knowledge Website Foodfile Joins the
[rewrite]Food knowledge websites help consumers curb their sugar intake, providing nutritional knowledge and education for health diets, weight loss, and a healthy lifestyle. Sugar is referred to as the "new tobacco" because evidence points to dramatic …[/rewrite]
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Food Addiction?

Question by gnab123: food addiction?
[rewrite]does anyone know of anyways i can curb my appetite!! i am rather sure that i am addicted to food! PLEASE

Best answer:

Answer by Naomi
You should try making a plan for yourself of what you’re going to eat for each day. Three balanced meals and maybe a snack between lunch and dinner, and that’s all. Clear your house of any fatty foods you feel might tempt you. An alcoholic shouldn’t have booze in their house since they can’t control themselves when they drink and an overeater shouldn’t have the wrong food in their house since they can’t control themselves when they eat. Feel free to gorge yourself on fruits and vegetables, though. I put a website down there that looks pretty good.