food and drug administration

Do Substance Abuse Treatment Programs Really Work?

Question by ciana db: Do substance abuse treatment programs really work?
I have pretty much lived a sheltered life. I have an acquaintance who is going to undergo substance abuse treatment and I was just wondering whether such programs are effective.

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Does Anybody Know if There Is a Drug Rehab in Florida?

Question by Fatima: Does anybody know if there is a drug rehab in Florida?
My friend told me that she needs to get treatment and she wants to enter a drug rehab. The problem is, she’s asking me to find one in Florida but I don’t know any drug rehabs there. Can you help?

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Answer by rachel
There are websites available for people who are looking for drug rehab centers. I’ve posted a few of them. I wish I could help. It’s also good to know that your friend finally admitted that she needs treatment. Good luck to you and your friend.

I’m Planning to Move to Charlotte, NC and Am Seeking a Job?

Question by bairdo3: I’m planning to move to Charlotte, NC and am seeking a job?
I’m planning to move to Charlotte, NC in the next few months and am seeking a job? I am interested in a position as a Residential Counselor at a treatment center. Possibly at a youth drug rehabilitation center, as I have first hand experience and knowledge in the field of recovery. I also have experience in drywall and remodelling work and am a very fast learner at what I don’t know. Help? Thanks!!!!

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FDA Expands Tamiflu's Use to Treat Children Younger Than 1 Year

FDA expands Tamiflu's use to treat children younger than 1 year

Filed under: drug addiction treatment options

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today expanded the approved use of Tamiflu (oseltamivir) to treat children as young as 2 weeks old who have shown symptoms of flu for no longer than two days. The drug is not approved to prevent flu infection in …


Four treated at Hopkins linked to hepatitis from medical technician

Filed under: drug addiction treatment options

If You Get the Full Entitlement Package From the Gov?

Question by 60 min man: if you get the full entitlement package from the gov?
what would be the full benefit amount of those programs? max on food stamps, max on welfare checks? we all know you can get housing for free($ 400-$ 600) a month, free cable($ 50) a month, free daycare($ 300-$ 500) a month and there is WIC. and how does that compare to what a person would make working a full time job with about 5-7 hours of overtime each week? now do you see why the ranks of the poor are growing? which would you rather do, given a choice and knowing people generally take the road more traveled, easier you know. thoughts? thanks
agree with the first two but i am more interseted in an average yearly benefit, just trying to gather numbers.

Residential Psychiatric Treatment for Young Adults in New England?

Question by CQ: Residential psychiatric treatment for young adults in New England?
Treatment needed for an 18 year old suicidal girl with PTSD, anorexia/bulimia, drug and alcohol abuse, self-harm, depression, severe anxiety, and possibly borderline personality disorder.
Any suggestions of centers or hospitals in the Northeast, preferably in Massachusetts but not necessarily?
Thank you SO MUCH.
Yes, this is one girl, and she HAS been diagnosed with all of these things. The “possible BPD” is because one doctor thinks she has it and one thinks she doesn’t.

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