How Can I Find Help Financially for Glaucoma?
Question by Patoo: How can I find help financially for glaucoma?
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Answer by **Anti-PeTA**
Financial Assistance and Vision Care Resources
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The organizations and resources listed below are available for your reference. Except for Prevent Blindness America’s affiliates and divisions, the organizations listed are not affiliated with Prevent Blindness America, nor does their inclusion imply endorsement of their goods or services by Prevent Blindness America.
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Why Do I Have Such Bad PMS?
Question by Sara Black: Why do I have such bad PMS?
When I am on my peroid I have cramps from hell, I keep on gagging, have diariahia, cold sweats. How do I stop these symptoms?
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What Can I Expect From Court on MIP?
Question by Keith: What can I expect from court on MIP?
I was arrested last night for an MIP in Georgia. I wasn’t driving, I was in a bar. I have to appear in court on what happens to be my 21st birthday. What should I expect besides my fine? This is my first offense of any kind and will the penalties be less harsh because I will be 21 on my court date?
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How Does Corruption Affects the Country’s Economy Such as the Philippines?
Question by Soliel: How does corruption affects the country’s economy such as the Philippines?
in what way?
how do you think can we resolve it?
please feel free to answer..i really have to know.
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