What Percentage of the People Are Healthy?
Question by stc: What percentage of the people are healthy?
It is odd. I ask this half seriously, half not seriously….After you take away people who are drug addicted, have eating disorders, gambling problems, psychological disorders and physical challenges, addiction to online stuff. Attention deficent. All that is left are people who work hard at being physically fit. It’s odd.
There probably are a large chunk of people who are reasonably healthy in the world, but, it is weird to think about them. Whatever they do — why don’t we copy them? Professional athletes? Doctors? Healthy lawyers? It would be weird if the world were reduced down to primarily healthy people. What would they do? Not a lot of business for health carers and lawyers if everybody’s healthy. I’m just idle tonight so I fiddle with these thoughts.
Is It Okay to Use Conditioning Treatment Twice a Week?
Question by Aryeah: Is it okay to use conditioning treatment twice a week?
I am planning on alternately using the Conditioning Treatment Wax and Extra Shine Treatment Wax interchangeably.
Additional info:
I have thick but recently relaxed Asian black hair. I will be applying bubble hair dye on it in a few days. Thanks in advance!
Best answer:
Answer by Beatles luver
yes unless ur hair is oily. idk abt Asian hair, but i don’t see why not. moisture is good.
What do you think? Answer below!
What Homeless Shelters in Florida & Georgia Serve Free Showers & Full Course Meals 7 Days a Week?
Question by Paul: What Homeless shelters in Florida & Georgia serve free showers & full course meals 7 days a week?
Best answer:
Answer by …
The Salvation Army gives dinner and breakfast but you’re out on the streets during the day to go to the local soup kitchen. Depending on the S.A., you may be sent out with a snack to take with you. http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/www_usn_2.nsf/vw-dynamic-arrays/ACEBE360E86E201A8525784C006FE670?openDocument&charset=utf-8
United Way First Call For Help http://www.211.org (or dial 2-1-1) acts as clearinghouse of resource information for those in need including shelters, soup kitchens, food banks, clothing banks, transportation resources, medical care and counseling free or sliding scale, community centers, etc
How Am I Going to Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in Pennsville, New Jersey?
Question by camilla a: How am I going to find substance abuse treatment centers in Pennsville, New Jersey?
I’ve decided to do a research on various cases of prescription drug abuse. This is for a special project on a class of mine. I would like to talk to some patients who are afflicted with this kind of disorder, or the doctors who are dealing with patients suffering from prescription drug abuse.
Best answer:
Answer by allie ce
Substance abuse treatment centers can be really stringent regarding the privacy of their patients so I think you’re going to have a hard time convincing the authorities to let you talk to them. I think you can interview the doctors, therapists, and counselors, though.
What Will It Take to Legalize,or Decriminalize Marijuana in the USA?
Question by Pursue happiness: What will it take to legalize,or decriminalize marijuana in the USA?
13 states now have medicinal marijuana. Oakland is taxing the sale and is raising millions for their municipality.Jobs have been created for the grow houses and farms ,security being hired for the dispenseries.This is extremely obviously beneficial for all participating states.The feds have made enforcement there lowest priority. Which do you think will be the last state to wake up and take advantage of the popular movement?
Best answer:
State Making Advances in Mental-Health Care
State making advances in mental-health care
Filed under: inpatient drug treatment centers
Proven methods of intervention and treatment are proliferating, and if even more such services were available, more people could be helped. Drug courts, mental health courts, team-based community treatment programs for those with serious mental illness …
Read more on Tulsa World
Drowned in a stream of prescriptions
Filed under: inpatient drug treatment centers
Adderall and its stimulant siblings are classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as Schedule II drugs, in the same category as cocaine, because of their highly addictive properties. “It's incredibly nonchalant,” Chris Hewitt, a friend of …
Read more on Capecodonline