How Many People in Oregon Are Addicted to Illegal Drugs?
Question by Justin: How many people in Oregon are addicted to illegal drugs?
This is a question that obviously has no definitive answer, but has anyone ran across a statistics page claiming a number of people in Oregon state that are addicted to or at lease USE illegal drugs?
Please post a link to where you found your information! 🙂
Thank you so much for your help!
For some reason I can’t figure out how to reply to your answer, but thank you! That page is exactly what I’ve been looking for! 🙂
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I’m Planning to Move to Charlotte, NC and Am Seeking a Job?
Question by bairdo3: I’m planning to move to Charlotte, NC and am seeking a job?
I’m planning to move to Charlotte, NC in the next few months and am seeking a job? I am interested in a position as a Residential Counselor at a treatment center. Possibly at a youth drug rehabilitation center, as I have first hand experience and knowledge in the field of recovery. I also have experience in drywall and remodelling work and am a very fast learner at what I don’t know. Help? Thanks!!!!
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Kaufman: Mental Health, Drug Abuse Cuts Are Hurting Community
Kaufman: Mental health, drug abuse cuts are hurting community
Filed under: drug abuse treatment
Today, with demand for public mental health and substance abuse services extremely high, especially at a time of severe economic distress, the crisis in behavioral health care continues. The impacts are felt throughout society as people go without the …
Read more on Sun-Sentinel
Minneapolis-based drug treatment program fined
Filed under: drug abuse treatment
Minnesota regulators have disciplined a Minneapolis chemical dependency treatment provider they say violated policies regarding the use of methadone in treating opiate addiction. Specialized Treatment Services, which applied for a license to operate a …
Read more on Pioneer Press
What Is the Cost and How Do I Get InVito?
Question by floridadisney38: What is the cost and how do I get InVito?
I am 24 and my wife is 36. We would like to have a baby and have been trying for a while. No we dont have thounds of dollars and was woundering if INS pays for some of in vitro or not? Also how does it work and what are the prices of in vitro and all that? I heard a lady with no job and gets welfare got it done. I dont need all that but how she get it done if her income was low? Ours isnt that low at all dont worry but we dont have thounds doe in vitro. Any info would be great.
Are There Really More Teens in Drug Rehabs Than Adults?
Question by abbie t: Are there really more teens in drug rehabs than adults?
I know someone who has just gotten out of inpatient rehabilitation and he told me that there are a lot of other teens spending their time there. This just piqued my curiosity.
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If You Get the Full Entitlement Package From the Gov?
Question by 60 min man: if you get the full entitlement package from the gov?
what would be the full benefit amount of those programs? max on food stamps, max on welfare checks? we all know you can get housing for free($ 400-$ 600) a month, free cable($ 50) a month, free daycare($ 300-$ 500) a month and there is WIC. and how does that compare to what a person would make working a full time job with about 5-7 hours of overtime each week? now do you see why the ranks of the poor are growing? which would you rather do, given a choice and knowing people generally take the road more traveled, easier you know. thoughts? thanks
agree with the first two but i am more interseted in an average yearly benefit, just trying to gather numbers.