What Are Some Careers in Drug Rehabilitation?
Question by : What are some careers in drug rehabilitation?
I’m interested in a career in a drug rehab center, what are some positions?
I know that most people in the field have had substance abuse problems, and while I personally haven’t my dad, his parents, and great-grandfather are all severe alcoholics.
Best answer:
Answer by raysny
Someone else asked the same question recently:
Over 90% of rehab centers in the US are 12step based, AA/NA. Most of the rest are Narconon, a Scientology based program, or heavily religious. Courts, government agencies, and employee assistance programs mandate 12step rehabs.
Medical-Addiction Question?
Question by Brett H: Medical-addiction Question?
Hey, I’m 26 and have been reliant upon opiates since I was 18. Finally, at 23 and after months of fatigue/sickness, countless attempts at anti-depressants, treatment centers, counseling, and psychiatrists, I began methadone at the Southern Indiana Treatment Center. At first I felt much better, but rather than decrease the dose my levels were increased to “find me a stable dose where I feel semi-normal.”. Needless to say I am now on 110 mg of methadone once daily. I still feel crappy half the time and have started realizing that my body, with the way it metabolizes medicine so quickly, may never be OK without it. The peak-and-trough blood serum test suggests my body needs 140. Should I accept the fact that my body will always need opiates? Anyone have any suggestions?
State Strategy Places Substance Abuse Emphasis Where It Belongs
State strategy places substance abuse emphasis where it belongs
Filed under: drug addiction definition
While the emotional costs related to substance abuse are immeasurable, it's estimated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse that for every dollar we spend on prevention and recovery, we save $ 12 in health care and criminal justice costs …
Read more on Minnesota Public Radio
Texas must be careful about requiring welfare drug tests
Filed under: drug addiction definition
What Are the Requirements to Start a Suboxone Treatment Program?
Question by C’s ma: What are the requirements to start a suboxone treatment program?
I really am interested in starting a suboxone treatment program. I would really like some more information. My fear is that i will get to the doctor and he will tell me i do not qualify and i will be stuck in this mess again. I am also scared that he will call social services on me since i have a daughter and am admitting to be a pain pill addict. Any ideas?
Best answer:
Why Are the Most Conducive Drug Treatment Centers in the United States Situated in Florida?
Question by smika: Why are the most conducive drug treatment centers in the United States situated in Florida?
Please help me to find out it.
Best answer:
Answer by Bal Ram
Florida houses a lot of drug treatment centers because a lot of types of drugs permeate that state. Some of the common types of drugs that can be found in Florida are: club drugs, ecstasy, cocaine, and heroin. Due to Florida’s possession of these illegal drugs in large quantities, the state made it a point to build various drug treatment centers that aim to help individuals veer away from the usage of drugs.
Native American Answers Only: What Are Your Thoughts of Natives That Don’t Get the Helping Hand They Deserve?
Question by REUBEN B: Native American answers only: What are your thoughts of natives that don’t get the helping hand they deserve?
like how natives are just pushed to the side in health care, drug treatments and the likes. most natives who are charged with crimes as they call them like alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and homelessness. they really don’t try to get the natives in treatment they just let them go home where they will more than likely turn back to the vises that are plaguing the native community. just want to know your native thoughts on such a dire situation.