Why Is Alcohol Legal, and Not Pot?
Question by Chaia: Why is alcohol legal, and not pot?
Plase somebody tell me why we llegalize alcohol but not pot?
•5% of all deaths from diseases of the circulatory system are attributed to alcohol.
• 15% of all deaths from diseases of the respiratory system are attributed to alcohol.
• 30% of all deaths from accidents caused by fire and flames are attributed to alcohol.
• 30% of all accidental drownings are attributed to alcohol.
• 30% of all suicides are attributed to alcohol.
• 40% of all deaths due to accidental falls are attributed to alcohol.
• 45% of all deaths in automobile accidents are attributed to alcohol.
• 60% of all homicides are attributed to alcohol.
I Am Looking for an Inpatient Rehab Program and Have Some Questions?
Question by melli23: i am looking for an inpatient rehab program and have some questions?
like, what if i have no way to pay for it? are there any good websites i should check out? (for alcohol, by the way) are you allowed to shave? if you check in voluntarily, can you leave anytime you want? also, you can pm me if you are serious and have some experience in this. thank you very much.
Best answer:
Answer by kiki
Where are u from? email me if u want and i will try and help.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Where Can I Find Quality Single Gay Men in Kansas City?
Question by eunskable: Where can I find quality single gay men in kansas city?
Im in recovery from a serious meth addiction and i no longer go to bars or clubs.. I dont drink and i doubt ill find quality in bars or other scuzzy “gay hangouts”…. any suggestions
Best answer:
Answer by Shandra M
I know this isn’t a meet and greet…but….
I’m 37, and an ex-addict (clean for 3 years).
I live in Kansas City.
I attend Kansas City Community College.
And…I like guys. So…feel free to message me! (The real name is Bruce, btw…)
What Are Some Movies About Losing Everything?
Question by Bob: What are some movies about losing everything?
I’m looking for some movies about someone who falls from grace and loses everything either due to drug addiction or substance abuse. Possibly about someone who starts drinking and beings to use other drugs until they’ve lost everything, or about someone successful whose life spirals out of control. If the movie ends with them finding religion that would be even better. I can’t seem to find anything quite what I’m looking for. The movie Cocaine Angel is about as close as I can get.
Best answer:
Alcohol, Drug Abuse Cost Alaska's Economy $1.2 B in 2010
Alcohol, drug abuse cost Alaska's economy .2 B in 2010
Filed under: drug abuse treatment
Of the estimated 16,951 Alaskan adults experiencing serious substance use disorders (abuse of drugs and alcohol), 42.8 percent are low-income. The State of Alaska spent over $ 35 million in 2010 to provide substance abuse treatment and recovery services …
Read more on Juneau Empire
NZ's first Alcohol and Drug Court launched
Filed under: drug abuse treatment
freerice.com Helps Feed the World’s Hungry and You Can Help…for Free. Want to Know How?
Question by worldstiti: freerice.com helps feed the world’s hungry and you can help…for free. want to know how?
Free Rice home faq totals options press about Press
“What if just knowing what a word meant could help feed hungry people around the world? Well, at FreeRice it does . . . the totals have grown exponentially.”
– The Washington Post
“Web game provides rice for hungry . . . FreeRice went online in early October and has now raised 1 billion grains of rice [by November 9].”
– BBC News