Continuing to Care Second Annual 'Trekking for the Troops' Hopes to Raise …
Continuing to Care Second annual 'Trekking for the Troops' hopes to raise …
Filed under: drug abuse symptoms
"Many of these veterans try to cope with their symptoms from PTSD with alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and spousal abuse. One of Sigma Nu's values is service, where we strive to develop our members through servant leadership while benefitting the community.
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What's In Pee? Urine Composition Study Reveals More Than 3000 Chemical …
Filed under: drug abuse symptoms
Can Anybody Help With Some Advice for Homeopathic Remedies to Help With Giving Up Metadone and Other Drugs?
Question by cocoscupboard: Can anybody help with some advice for homeopathic remedies to help with giving up metadone and other drugs?
Please help with any advice on alternative homeopathic remedies such as ginseng, valarian etc, anything that could help someone who is gradually detoxing from serious drug addictions. I have been reunited with a family member who lives abroad and discovered he has been addicted for 30 years to heroin, and is now on 150ml methadone per day, 20 tablets of diazepam (5mg) and nitrazepam (5mg) 20 tabs per day, plus other pills for sleeping and stomach problems. He now really wants to get clean but can’t do cold turkey as he could die thorugh this option aparently? He also has hepatitus b and c and has a poor liver now.
Please help, advice is much appreciated! He lives in Scandinavia and there are no centres locally.
Does Life Ever Get Better?
Question by melinda: Does life ever get better?
hi, I’m recovering from a drug addiction about a little over two weeks clean at the moment and I’m doing it on my own. And I don’t feel life is worth living, I mean does it ever get better? I feel like I’m in a black hole and the light is getting further and further out of reach. Some shit happened in my past that I couldn’t handle so I OD’d a little over 2 years ago and ended up in the hospital and after that I got hooked on drugs. Does anyone have any experience with what I’m going through??? I just want to be happy again and I’m scared. Im 21 years old.
Help Getting False DUI Off My Record. Sorry So Long but I Need Help?
Question by NettyLouWho?: Help getting False DUI off my record. Sorry so long But I need help?
Long story. 5 years ago in Utah I made a left turn to fast at 7am a and high centered my car imidiatly 3 cops were there searching my car doing the breathalizer and all that stuff, couldn’t find anything so took me to the hospital for a blood test ’cause I take meds at night Whoopie big deal. anyway. on the court date I was in the state hostpital and they had a warrent for my arrest. they made a deal that if I went to florida to an eating disorder clinic they would drop everything. Well I did and they didn’t. I moved back home to Georgia. Well now I am back here in Utah and tried to get my liscence renewed and can’t unless I pay a $ 200 fee because I have a DUI. WTF. they will not reopen my case and the funny thing is that the lady I talked to in the courts told me they have on record that my sister spoke with them way back when that I was going into a drug treatment program and that’s why they were dropping it. LOL THat’s news to me. I don’t drink or do drugs.
They won’t repoen the case so I’m screwed there and I called the DMV and they won’t let me do anything so I’m stuck with a DUI on my record and that is sooo embarrassing. What can I do? Please help. Anything I can do? I’m desperate. How can they do this to people? Those police were just bord that morning and wanted someone to mess with.
Sorry. the results on the test were negative. I do not drink or do drugs.
also my meds do not and never have affected my driveing, I had been taking them for years.
I know I’m getting some great help from people. I hate that you can only pick one best answer. Thank you again.
How to Get Help to Pay for Medicine?
Question by LittleB: How to get help to pay for medicine?
I have epilepsy and am moving out but my medicine is expensive and even with my job I need help to pay for it. I’m moving to California for college. How can I get some kind of help. Financial aid? Or something?
Best answer:
Answer by Drew
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Drug & Alcohol Treatment Services, Beverly hill’s,California – Drug & Alcohol Treatment Services Welcome – Recover for Life, Now Design For Living is a full service recovery center that offers tiered levels of treatment …
How Many Addicts Successfully Recover From Drug Addiction?
Question by : How many addicts successfully recover from drug addiction?
Those rehab places seem like a revolving door. What percentage of drug addicts who’ve been addicted to hard drugs for at least one year successfully recover from their addiction the rest of their lives?
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Answer by applesk8er
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Answers for Addiction 2 : Drug Addiction Treatment – : Drug Addiction Treatment : Holistic Drug Rehab : Do You Know The Secret to Overcoming Any Addiction? Find Out. Free Drug Addictio…