What Is the Difference Between Outpatient and Inpatient Drug Rehab?
Question by Benny: What is the difference between outpatient and inpatient drug rehab?
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Answer by The Joker
an inpatient stays in the center whereas a outpatient goes home and returns for treatment
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Drug treatment: McDowell eyes additional facilities
Filed under: inpatient drug rehab centers
That's why it is encouraging to learn that two drug-treatment facilities planned for the county are inching closer to reality. Delegate Clif Moore … The second facility is proposed as a 90-day residential treatment clinic for women. As currently …
Read more on Bluefield Daily Telegraph
Can Someone Here Tell Me How to Find Drug Rehabs in Lockport, New York?
Question by carissa j: Can someone here tell me how to find drug rehabs in Lockport, New York?
I’m doing a special project on this for one of my classes and I really want to get a high grade. Hence the desire to seek out as many drug rehabs as I can and get information regarding their treatment methods directly from the staff. Any ideas as to how to find rehabs?
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County Just Says No to Drug Addicts
County Just Says No To Drug Addicts
Filed under: drug addiction treatment center
The Guilford County Substance Abuse Treatment Center at 5209 W. Wendover Ave. is eliminating all outpatient treatment services and cutting the number of beds available for in-patient use. Those cuts are among others in the county's mental health …
Read more on RhinoTimes.com Greensboro
Judge imposes sanctions on Scientology-connected drug treatment facility
Filed under: drug addiction treatment center
How Can You Tell the Difference Between Addiction to Relationships or Addiction to the Person?
Question by megangorex: How can you tell the difference between addiction to relationships or addiction to the person?
I’m doing a project for school about addiction to relationships, and I’m going through a really hard break up right now. I almost think I might have an addiction to relationships, but I can’t tell if I’m addicted to the relationship or the person I was in one with. How can you tell?
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Octomom Nadya Suleman Skips Treatment Center for Drug Addiction to Star in …
Octomom Nadya Suleman skips treatment center for drug addiction to star in …
Filed under: drug rehabilitation centers
Suleman checked into a treatment centre for anti-anxiety drug Xanax addiction, stress and exhaustion last month but has been spotted filming a shoot with Cledus T. Judd, a country music artist known for his parodies of popular songs. Skiving: Nadya …
Read more on Daily Mail
Octomom Nadya Suleman leaves drug rehab to film music video
Filed under: drug rehabilitation centers
'Octomom' Nadya Suleman Checks Into Rehab for Drug Addiction
'Octomom' Nadya Suleman Checks Into Rehab for Drug Addiction
Filed under: christian drug addiction help
'Octomom' Nadya Suleman Checks Into Rehab for Drug Addiction. 0. Tweet. Nadya. Twitter: Nadya Suleman. Nadya "Octomom" Suleman … Politics Is Not a Cure-All · Tullian Tchividjian. When it comes to engaging and influencing culture too many Christians …
Read more on Christian Post
Vallejo youths recall battle with drug addiction at Red Ribbon event
Filed under: christian drug addiction help