Recovering From Drug Addiction?
Question by slide000: recovering from drug addiction?
[rewrite]i got out of a drug habit and ive been enjoying more time to myself then going out. all my friends still go to college so if i go out or visit ill end up drunk and regret it the next day. i dont even like to drink anymore and thats what there all about but its hard not to when im with them because it seems i wont fit in. i am still trying to recover from the drug habit because i can still tell my confidence isn’t healed.but ive been better than i ever felt and seems i only been feeling better and better everyday until i drink and get cognitive thinking,then puts me a step back… the big reason ive stopped the drugs is because of the cognitive thinking and nervousness/ depression ive developed. so the friends i have kinda put me back even though i know i should have the power to not drink. ive been thinking latley i wish i had different friends that wasnt all about getting messed up all the time, they been my friends for the longest time though. i guess i dont have a real question but need some advice,how should i go about this?
How Do You Recover From Prescription Drug Abuse? ?
Question by ghost: How do you recover from prescription drug abuse? ?
Best answer:
Answer by Acid09
If necessary hold an intervention. Get the addict to go to a detox clinic. Then get them involved in a program that specializes in treating prescription drug abuse. Regardless of your addiction, only a very small number of addicts ever stop on their own and most who do enter treatment relapse at some point.
Prescription Drug Abuse: Healthcare Provider Compliance and DEA’s Role
Prescription drug abuse: Healthcare provider compliance and DEA’s role — Prescription drug abuse: Healthcare provider compliance and DEA’s role – What Role Does The Physician Play In Prescription Drug Abuse? Discover the best trea…
FDA approves device to combat opioid drug overdose
[rewrite]In a move aimed at stemming the tide of deaths caused by the nation's prescription drug epidemic, the Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved a new device that would allow family members or caregivers to administer emergency medication to …[/rewrite]
Read more on Washington Post
GUEST COMMENTARY: Hoosiers Help Preserve Medicare Part D
GUEST COMMENTARY: Hoosiers help preserve Medicare Part D
[rewrite]Despite the well-documented success of the Medicare Part D prescription drug plan, a rule proposed earlier this year by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services would have negatively impacted Part D – jeopardizing access to needed medicines and …[/rewrite]
Irsay's arrest is the latest glimpse at his battle with addiction
[rewrite]Retired detective Irene Conder told The Star in a June 2003 interview the league offered to help Irsay get the proper treatment for his possible addiction in the mid-1990s, but he refused. “I went to the Colts training complex with a physician who is …[/rewrite]
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Dr Steven Ferguson Talks About Suboxone and Opiod Addiction …Withdrawal/detox
Dr Steven Ferguson talks about Suboxone and Opiod Addiction …withdrawal/detox — Dr Steven Ferguson MD gives a basic understanding about Suboxone (buprenorphine) in treating withdrawal/detoxl from opioids addiction.
Police: Whitehall couple used infant to smuggle drugs into jail
[rewrite]Inmate Gregory Munukka Jr., 26, and girlfriend Michelle L. Doaner, 25, both of whom gave Vermont State Police an address in Whitehall, were charged after an investigation that began when Munukka was caught with the prescription drug buprenorphine in …[/rewrite]
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If Food Addiction Can Cause Diabetes and Hypertension and Death, Why Isn’t Food an Illegal Drug?
Question by Legalize Prostitution and Drugs!: If food addiction can cause diabetes and hypertension and death, why isn’t food an illegal drug?
[rewrite]Marijuana, Ecstacy and Acid don’t cause all that 😀
Best answer:
Answer by mandy?
I know… it’s ridiculous. Soda is a hell of a lot more addicting than marijuana is.
Answer by MARYBEE
because food is necessary for life
acid can cause severe mental problems and ruin your life
extasy can kill you more quickly than food can
and pot is bad for you lungs if smoking it b/c of the tar