residential treatment center

Can I Get Meds to Quit Meth and Cannabis Without Having to Go to Rehab or Treatment?

Question by Gareth: Can i get meds to quit Meth and Cannabis without having to go to rehab or treatment?
I’m 17 with Methamphetamine and cannabis addiction, is there anyway i can get quit treatment without actually having to go to a rehab centre? and how bad is it if i continue with my use?

Best answer:

Answer by dania
You should ask one of your helpers

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Florida Drug & Alcohol Detox/Rehab Treatment Centers – Call 888-408-6009 to find out about what Florida Drug & Alcohol Detox/Rehab Treatment Centers are covered by your insurance plan. Free service. Discover mone…

Should I Be Worried My Dog Will Not Be the Same?

Question by yoohookitten: Should I be Worried my dog will not be the same?
I must do a 28 day inpatient drug rehab program. I am worried about leaving my dog. We are together 24/7. He trusts only me and listens to only me. He has other human friends that will be looking after him. Should I be so worried he will not respond to me as he does now?

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How Am I Going to Find an Addiction Treatment Center in Batesville, Arkansas?

Question by darby lw: How am I going to find an addiction treatment center in Batesville, Arkansas?
I have to find an addiction treatment center for a cousin of mine who has gotten herself addicted to heroin. It was her first try that did it. She got hooked after that. Now she wants to stop, but she needs help. Can somebody tell me how to find addiction treatment centers here?

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Indian River County Drug Experts Discuss Drug Abuse Problems

Indian River County drug experts discuss drug abuse problems

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

One of the groups that operates adolescent residential treatment centers is the Drug Abuse Treatment Association, which has the Norman C. Hayslip Center in Fort Pierce and the Walter D. Kelly Center in West Palm Beach. Walton Stoudenmire, the …
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Conference addresses substance abuse treatment

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

Conference addresses substance abuse treatment. Pediatricians can learn best practices for addressing substance use by patients or family members, and suggestions on how to implement these practices at an AAP-sponsored conference April 26-28 in …
Read more on AAP News (subscription)

To All Those Who View Socialism as Oppressive and Evil, Shouldn’t You Give Up Medicare and Social Security?

Question by Derek ? the East-Coast Élitist: To all those who view Socialism as oppressive and evil, shouldn’t you give up medicare and Social Security?
Explain to me how medicare and Social Security aren’t inherently Socialistic systems.

Then I’d like to see you in old age refuse the payments and coverage, haha. It’ll all look different, then, trust me.

Best answer:

Answer by Michael Scarn
You are right.

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How Will I Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Skowhegan, Maine?

Question by beth e: How will I find addiction treatment centers in Skowhegan, Maine?
I need to get a lot of information regarding various addictions (such as alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, gambling) and I want to get the info directly from the persons who are experiencing these addictions. That’s why I would like to find addiction treatment centers. Can somebody help me with this?

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