social worker

How Can I Have My Wife Released From a Mental Health Facility if She and Her Rights Are Being Violated?

Question by cjsimmons269: How can I have my wife released from a mental health facility if she and her rights are being violated?
I have a concern in reference to my wife. She is bipolar and pregnant which meant that her medication wasn’t’t working as well as it should. Due to lack of concentration and focus, I admitted her to a mental health facility so that they may find a way to manage/change her meds. This was over 1 month ago. Since this time, my wholesome Christian wife has been exposed to vulgar language, has picked up profanity, has learned of prostitution and drugs. Worst yet, she has been violated (touched) on 3 occasions. This is absolutely not what I (we) signed up for. Most recently was last week when a patient touched the front of her genitalia. This is absolutely unacceptable! At this point, I decided to have her released. After all, she went in voluntarily. She made the request which meant that an MD had 4 hours to respond. Shouldn’t be her decision to make? I arrived and the doctor began looking at me harshly through the window. He came out with a nurse and was instantly agitated stating that he is “tired of having to come up here”. First of all, it is his job. Secondly, he was on staff in the clinic. From what I have seen, much of the staff tends to stay in the office and drink coffee ignoring patients request. They hand them crayons and let them watch TV. This isn’t’t therapeutic in my opinion. I fully understand that patients may become stir crazy and want out even if they feel that they are okay. However, I know my wife better than the doctors, better than staff, and better than her family. She is my very best friend. In addition to being my wife, we share everything together. Most importantly, I know her personality and changes in it and I see that she has improved.

Is Scientology’s Narconon Center in Georgia Still Open?

Question by Steven: Is Scientology’s Narconon center in Georgia still open?
Narconon Georgia is a Scientologist drug rehab center that’s come under a lot of legal and media scrutiny lately; they were sued for the death of a young United States Marine Corps veteran named Patrick Desmond, and their program director, a Scientologist “Operating Thetan” named Mary Rieser, was reprimanded in court for lying to investigators.

They were recently raided by the police as part of an insurance fraud investigation; cops busted in with guns drawn and left with a pretty big haul of computers.

How Do Get Custody of My Granddaughter From Her Drug Using Parents?

Question by Jean: how do get custody of my granddaughter from her drug using parents?
The childs mother is in rehab and the baby has been living with me then my daughter then back to her mother again she has messed up 5times now and the social workers keep removing my granddaughter each time its not fare to pass the baby about i want to put in for permanent care as the parents have no intention of giving up drugs

Best answer:

Answer by Pearl L
talk to a lawyer about it

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

I’m Stuck in a Rut!!?

Question by Fabbymummy: I’m stuck in a rut!!?
I have 7 standard grades, a NC (national certificate) in pre-nursing, HNC (higher nat.cert) in health care and did 2yrs as a student nurse but had to come out of course due to family commitments at the time. I I don’t know what to do as a job, have been to see a career advisor. My ideal job is working with families as a social worker but I can’t go to uni till my family are a bit older. Is there something like this i could do for now, oviously less pay but working wi kids with issues. I don’t know what kind of job title that would be….anyone got any advise (pls no suggesting nursing homes!)

Mental Healty Treatment Facility?

Question by barbaraissa: Mental Healty Treatment Facility?
Anyone know of a recovery center that deals with dual diagnosis but mostly the mental health part? Any that I find cost $ 30k+…….that’s enough to drive anyone crazy…sorry, bad joke!

I hear that the mental health care system here in Arizona is just about the worst. We’re willing to send our son (20) anywhere in the US if that place can actually help him but can’t find a place that’d be a great match for him. Dr’s have been trying for 2 years but so far, no balance for this terrific young man. Any suggestions?…………. no stupid replys please!!!!

Question About Social Work Degree and Sociology?

Question by Tiff: Question about Social Work Degree and Sociology?
What you would say is the difference between a bachelors in Social work and a Bachelors in Sociology with a concretion in social work? When looking for a job, what type of places would look at me for both of these different kinds of degrees?
What type of places do social workers work in?

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