substance abuse prevention

What Is the Best Way to Mend Relationships With Old Friends and an Ex?

Question by 11b: What is the best way to mend relationships with old friends and an ex?
Due to alcohol/drug abuse, I have lost many friends, plus an ex i dearly care about. Any ideas on the best way to mend relationships?

Best answer:

Answer by ?
First be at peace with yourself………then apologize if you have done a mistake and tell them that you want to renew your friendship.

What do you think? Answer below!



Substance Abuse Training: PowerPoint, DVD, or Web Course for Training on Substance Abuse – – Substance abuse training for employee or supervisors must cover key concepts. T…

I Am a Vegetarian and I Heard About the Cochineal Bug Being Used in Dyes. Which Dyes Use the Cochineal Bug?

Question by Finn A: I am a vegetarian and I heard about the Cochineal Bug being used in dyes. which dyes use the Cochineal Bug?
I would like to know which dyes i need to watch out for.

Best answer:

Answer by sirima b
I never heard of cochineal made of bugs, if it is food coloring it is from one kind of fruit.

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10 News Investigators: Is the Narconon Drug Treatment Program a Scientology

10 News Investigators: Is the Narconon drug treatment program a Scientology

Filed under: does drug abuse treatment work

CLEARWATER, Florida — Whether it is cocaine, pills, or heroin, drug addiction is a major problem affecting every community in the country. One of the biggest worldwide treatment clinics, … He believes the techniques Narconon uses to cure drug …
Read more on WTSP 10 News


Atwood man who had cocaine gets probation, drug court in Coles County

Filed under: does drug abuse treatment work

Would Prop 19 for Legalizing Marijuana Have a Better Chance of Passing in Oregon or Washington State?

Question by Alkohollokaust: Would prop 19 for legalizing marijuana have a better chance of passing in Oregon or Washington state?
those states are far more liberal than California? Oregon is so liberal that they legalized assisted suicide where every other state Christians shove their religious crap down everyones throat. Washington has Seattle and has the Hemp Hest where they let pot smoking hippies smoke that crap even though its still illegal there but tolerated to some degree.

Would Marijuana more likely be legalized in those states than California? Or not?

Best answer:

Where Is a Good Inpatient Drug Rehab Near Tampa FL?

Question by dimples88: Where is a good inpatient drug rehab near Tampa FL?
I am looking for a 28 day inpatient treatment program near Tampa FL. I would like to know if anyone knows of anywhere to go. And what each place is like.

Best answer:

True or False: Drug Use in an Addiction, Not a Law Enforcement issue.Jail Time Only Suppresses the Symptoms?

Question by Lou B: True or false: Drug use in an addiction, not a law enforcement issue.Jail time only suppresses the symptoms?
Until drug use is treated as an addiction, it will not go away.

Best answer:

Answer by Dr. Computer

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