substance abuse problem

Can a Drug Rehab Center Help You Eliminate a Substance Abuse Problem Once and for All ?

Can a drug rehab center help you eliminate a substance abuse problem once and for all ? — Can a drug rehab center help you eliminate a substance abuse problem once and for all? Substance abuse is a common problem, whether your substance of choice …

Pittsburgh area warned of home-made 'krokodil' heroin
[rewrite]PITTSBURGH (AP) — The gruesome side effects from a home-brewed heroin substitute popular in Russia have prompted the Pittsburgh Poison Center to warn about the potent narcotic's possible emergence locally. The drug, typically injected, has the … No …[/rewrite]
Read more on Titusville Herald

Spiritual River Launches Infographic Advocating Drug Addiction Treatment

Spiritual River Launches Infographic Advocating Drug Addiction Treatment
[rewrite]While the percentages of individuals with respective substance abuse problems who check into treatment centers fluctuate, those who receive treatment and attain the tools to stay sober are the ones who live fuller and healthier lifestyles in the long-run.[/rewrite]
Read more on Newsday

Riverside Treatment Center Announces Adult, Adolescent Programs to Tackle
[rewrite]Riverside Treatment Center Announces Adult, Adolescent Programs to Tackle Substance Abuse. A Riverside treatment center offers programs to stop drug and alcohol dependency. Call (855) 912-7867 for an appointment at Drug Addiction Treatment Centers …[/rewrite]
Read more on PR Web (press release)

The Death of Len Bias, My Generation's One-Person Shock Doctrine

The Death of Len Bias, My Generation's One-Person Shock Doctrine
[rewrite]The problem was that Nancy Reagan's “anti-drug efforts” involved a shift toward criminalizing the poorest sections of our cities. Instead of speaking about drug addiction as a medical issue, it became a criminal justice issue. Instead of selling drugs …[/rewrite]
Read more on The Nation. (blog)

Domestic violence not just police issue
[rewrite]In Texas, police said a man with a long criminal history and a substance abuse problem went on a killing spree Oct. 26, killing his mother in the home they shared, then an aunt and three others. On Oct. 28, police officer Christopher Robinson shot and …[/rewrite]
Read more on Ct Post

Experts Praise 'historic' Mental Health, Addiction Parity Rule

Experts praise 'historic' mental health, addiction parity rule
[rewrite]Mental health and addiction treatment experts praised what they described as a “historic” expansion Friday of insurance coverage for millions of Americans suffering from psychological or substance abuse problems, five years after a law requiring the …[/rewrite]
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Who can tell me not to abuse drugs?
[rewrite]Admissions to substance abuse treatment programs by patients using a combination of benzodiazepines (benzos) and pain relievers have risen drastically over the past decade, according to a new report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services …[/rewrite]
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Help for Women With Substance Abuse in Boston

Help for women with substance abuse in Boston — Women who have substance abuse problems in Boston need specialized care. We have therapy, activities and comfortable beds. Womens substance abuse Boston is a…

Not just women's problems: Fat talk and eating disorders among men
However, our existing technique does not have the resources to deal with male eating problems and a lot of prevention programs and treatment options are based mostly solely on ladies and ladies, even more compounding the dilemma. Dr. Alison Field and her colleagues at Boston …

What Are the Short-Term Effects of Being Addicted to the Drug Cocaine?

Question by Ashley: What are the short-term effects of being addicted to the drug cocaine?
I’m writing an article about Nicole Richie. I know that she was addicted to cocaine for four years, I think, and I want to expand on that topic. I want to write about the negative effects of abusing cocaine. It will be a sort of wake up call to those who are abusing cocaine and to those who are thinking about abusing cocaine. Through this article, I want other people to realize that Nicole’s life became better when she stopped using cocaine. She became healthier and happier. Please help. Thanks.