What Beliefs Do You Think These Different Users Have Toward Each Other?
Question by ebizartistry: What beliefs do you think these different users have toward each other?
Best answer:
Answer by nannaplus
I am not quite sure what you mean about “Beliefs toward each other.” However,I can say as A “Recovering Alcoholic” myself,I Have Great Feeling And Admiration For any of the above you mentioned,In there Struggle for Self.None Of Us Choose to be where we get,To the Point of No return.
How Many Addicts Successfully Recover From Drug Addiction?
Question by : How many addicts successfully recover from drug addiction?
Those rehab places seem like a revolving door. What percentage of drug addicts who’ve been addicted to hard drugs for at least one year successfully recover from their addiction the rest of their lives?
Best answer:
Answer by applesk8er
1 in 6
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Answers for Addiction 2 : Drug Addiction Treatment – http://hisspaceonline.org : Drug Addiction Treatment : Holistic Drug Rehab : Do You Know The Secret to Overcoming Any Addiction? Find Out. Free Drug Addictio…
What Are the Benefits of Substance Abuse Treatment?
Question by aubrie s: What are the benefits of substance abuse treatment?
I mean, aside from the fact that it would get to treat an individual and make him sober again. It’s just that addiction treatments cost so much that I was just wondering if it’s really worth it.
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Is It Normal to Have Life-Ending Thoughts After Four Years of Chronic Pain?
Question by simmysmash: Is it normal to have life-ending thoughts after four years of chronic pain?
My specialist says it is normal with 99% of chronic pain sufferers!
Surely there must be more hope?
Best answer:
Answer by Shisui
It is completely normal. You have been in pain for a while and your body feels it cannot take it anymore so naturally you would think about suicide. However, just because you think about suicide doesn’t mean you will kill your self. I’m sure your doctor can help you get through these thoughts. After all, you have lived through 4 years of pain surely you can live through some bad thoughts. You are strong.
What Would Be a Good Question to Answer in a Psychology Paper?
Question by helpful_person: What would be a good question to answer in a psychology paper?
I have to choose a psychology related question to answer in a rather short (only three pages) research paper. I’m interested in things like gender roles, child development, self-esteem, drug abuse, and family issues. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by KayKay :]
yo mama
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Glen Campbell's Alzheimer's: Docs Say Past Drug Abuse is Taking Toll
Filed under: drug abuse help for families
The Roots of Addiction
The roots of addiction
Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help
According to Psychology Today, co-occurring disorders refer to the presence of two or more disorders, such as mental health and substance abuse disorders, at the same time. The term co-occurring replaces dual disorders and dual diagnosis because it is …
Read more on Hernando Today
DCCCA offers walk-in substance abuse counseling on Wednesdays
Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help
Because April is Alcohol Awareness Month, counselors at DCCCA, a Lawrence-based drug and alcohol treatment provider, want to remind people that they offer walk-in screenings and assessments for substance abuse problems every Wednesday afternoon, …
Read more on Lawrence Journal World